05:18 10 Mar 25
Reminder: Call for input to the development of the CDM registry
Reminder: Call for input to the development of the CDM registry
Please be reminded of the below message. The deadline for submitting your inputs is 30 September 2003. In accordance with decision 17/CP.7, the Executive Board is to establish and maintain a CDM registry to ensure the accurate accounting of the issuance, holding, transfer and acquisition of CERs by non-Annex I Parties. The secretariat presented to the Board at its ninth meeting a technical paper regarding the development of such a registry (see annex 6 to the annotations to the proposed agenda ( http://cdm.unfccc.int/EB/Meetings/009) ) The Executive Board at its ninth meeting requested the secretariat to issue this public call to Parties and organizations for inputs to the development of the CDM registry. In particular, contributions may be in the form of functional or technical specifications, other documentation or programming code for systems or system components. The Board further requested the secretariat to begin development work on the CDM registry, along with its general work on registries, subject to the availability of resources, in particular through preparing a draft functional specification for the CDM registry, and report back to the Board on progress and a timeline for continuing work at its meeting held in conjunction with COP 9. In case you would wish to contribute information in accordance with the above request, kindly send it electronically to this e-mail account (cdm-info@unfccc.int). Where this is not possible, kindly send it to the following address: UNFCCC Cooperative Mechanisms Programme POBox 260124 D-53153 Bonn Germany Inputs should be received by 30 September 2003. |
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