21:40 05 Feb 25
Proposed new methodologies submitted for CDM project activities available
Proposed new methodologies submitted for CDM project activities available
The following proposed new methodologies have been submitted to the CDM Executive Board for its review and are now open for public inputs: - "NM0031: OSIL - 10 MW Waste Heat Recovery Based Captive Power Project" In accordance with the “procedures for submission and consideration of a proposed new methodology” the secretariat shall make the proposed new methodology publicly available on the UNFCCC CDM web site and invite public inputs for a period of 15 working days. Public inputs on a proposed new methodology shall be made using the “Proposed new methodology - public comment form”(F-CDM-NMpu ver3). Comments shall be forwarded to the Meth Panel at the moment of receipt and made available to the public at the end of the 15 working day period. For call for inputs please visit the URL: http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/process |
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