Reminders: Call for SSC experts / Call for inputs on AM0001 / Registration for observers

Reminders: Call for SSC experts / Call for inputs on AM0001 / Registration for observers

Please be reminded of the three following deadlines:

Call for experts for SSC-WG (Deadline: 4 October 2004)

The Executive Board, at its fifteenth meeting, agreed on the terms of reference for a working group on small-scale CDM project activities (SSC-WG).

The Executive Board requested the secretariat to issue, based on the terms of reference for small-scale working group, a call of experts.

Experts wishing to apply to this call shall:
- read and agree to the terms of reference for small-scale working group;
- read the general guidelines for panels;
- apply from the 7 September 2004 until the 4 October 2004 (17.00 CET);
- apply online through the UNFCCC CDM web site.

More information is available at

Call for inputs - AM0001 (Deadline: 7 October 2004)

The Executive Board, at its fifteenth meeting, taking into consideration information that emerged since the approval of AM0001, agreed to request its Methodologies Panel to review the methodology AM0001 “Incineration of HFC 23 waste streams” and make a recommendation on the possible revision in order to address, inter alia, the potential leakage, for consideration of the Board.

In order to ensure transparency of the process, the Board is opening a call for public input in relation to the approved methodology AM0001 “Incineration of HFC 23 waste streams” on the UNFCCC CDM web site from 22 September to 7 October 2004.

Public comments should be send to the UNFCCC secretariat before 7 October 2004 (17:00 CET) to the following email address:

For more information please visit the UNFCCC CDM web site (

Observers registration for EB16 (Deadline: 30 September 2004)

Please be informed that the deadline for registration as an observer to the next Executive Board meeting (EB 16) is 30 September 2004.

For more information please visit the UNFCCC CDM web site (