01:33 11 Feb 25
Comments on consolidated additionality tools
Comments on consolidated additionality tools
The CDM Excutive Board, at its fifteenth meeting, considered the recommendation by its Methodologies Panel for consolidation of tools for demonstration of additionality for CDM project activities and agreed on a draft contained in annex 3 of its report. The Board requested the secretariat that this draft is made publicly available for comments on the UNFCCC CDM web site from today to 21 September 2004 and further agreed that it shall consider these comments with a view to making recommendations to the Board at its sixteenth meeting. Public comments should be send to cdm-info@unfccc.int before 21 September 2004 (17:00 CET) to: Where this is not possible, kindly send it to the following address: UNFCCC Cooperative Mechanisms Programme POBox 260124 D-53153 Bonn Germany More information is available at http://unfccc.int/cdm. |
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