Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
The methodology applied is expired. The PP/ DOE are requested to apply a valid version of the methodology/ies as required by PS version 1 paragraph 35.
According to PCP version 9 para 76:
"The project participants or the coordinating/managing entity shall pay the registration fee by bank transfer, quoting the unique reference number referred to in paragraph 73 above. The DOE shall submit proof of payment (e.g. bank transfer record) through a dedicated interface on the UNFCCC CDM website. If the proposed CDM project activity or PoA applies:
(a) A methodology that has been revised, withdrawn, or suspended by the Board, either proof of payment must be uploaded within 20 days or payment must be received by the secretariat within 40 days of the end of the grace period for revision or the date of withdrawal or suspension, as defined in the "Procedure: Development, revision and clarification of baseline and monitoring methodologies and methodological tools"; and/or
(b) A standardized baseline that has been revised, suspended or has expired, either proof of payment must be uploaded within 20 days or payment must be received by the secretariat within 40 days of the end of the grace period for revision, the date of suspension or expiry, as defined in the "Procedure: Development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines".
Please note that the secretariat has received the fee payment for the above mentioned project on 27 November 2015.