Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
1.The PP/ DOE are requested to provide a replicable and unprotected version of the Appendix 1-EF_Mosa POME for the assessment of the investment analysis as required by Guidance 8 of EB 51 Annex 58.

2.The DOE is requested to address the inconsistencies in the methodology between the PDD-GSC (AMS-III.H. ver. 13 and AMS-I.D. ver. 15) and the rest of the documents submitted (AMS-III.H. ver 15 and AMS-I.D. ver. 16) accordingly as per paragraph 7 (b) of EB 48, Annex 60. Please ensure the version of the methodologies are valid at the time of submission. (EB 48, Annex 60, Section D)

3.The DOE is requested to address the inconsistencies in the amount of emission reductions between the PDD (51,476 CO2) and PDD-GSC (47,407 CO2) accordingly as per paragraph 7 (b) of EB 48, Annex 60.