12:13 10 Mar 25
Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
1.There is an inconsistency in the type of PRC changes between the Post-registration changes view page, post-registration changes signed form, validation report for post-registration changes and PoA DD (Corrections, Permanent changes from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology), monitoring report and verification/certification report (Corrections, Permanent changes from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology, Changes to the programme design, Temporary deviation).
Please note that as indicated in the verification and certification report as well as the monitoring report this Issuance request also covers temporary deviation in the CPA along with the issuance request. However as temporary deviation is not submitted along with other post registration changes (correction and permanent changes) we will mark this request incomplete so that you can re-submit the request with all post registration changes.
2.Scope: According to PCP for Project Activities version 1.0, para 196, a valid CDM-VCR-FORM shall be submitted.
The submitted verification/certification report template is version 03.0 which is no longer valid. Kindly send us a revised report using the latest form valid at time of submission (version 04.0, valid as of 6 April 2021).
3.There is an inconsistency of the monitoring period end date. The validation report for post-registration changes refers on page 3 to monitoring period 01/01/2020 to 30/09/2020 whereas the monitoring period is 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020.
4.There is an inconsistency of the PoA DD version. The monitoring report refers on page 1 to PoA DD version 5 applicable to this monitoring report whereas the revised PoA DD is version 7 dated 19/03/2021.
1.There is an inconsistency in the type of PRC changes between the Post-registration changes view page, post-registration changes signed form, validation report for post-registration changes and PoA DD (Corrections, Permanent changes from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology), monitoring report and verification/certification report (Corrections, Permanent changes from the monitoring plan or the monitoring methodology, Changes to the programme design, Temporary deviation).
Please note that as indicated in the verification and certification report as well as the monitoring report this Issuance request also covers temporary deviation in the CPA along with the issuance request. However as temporary deviation is not submitted along with other post registration changes (correction and permanent changes) we will mark this request incomplete so that you can re-submit the request with all post registration changes.
2.Scope: According to PCP for Project Activities version 1.0, para 196, a valid CDM-VCR-FORM shall be submitted.
The submitted verification/certification report template is version 03.0 which is no longer valid. Kindly send us a revised report using the latest form valid at time of submission (version 04.0, valid as of 6 April 2021).
3.There is an inconsistency of the monitoring period end date. The validation report for post-registration changes refers on page 3 to monitoring period 01/01/2020 to 30/09/2020 whereas the monitoring period is 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020.
4.There is an inconsistency of the PoA DD version. The monitoring report refers on page 1 to PoA DD version 5 applicable to this monitoring report whereas the revised PoA DD is version 7 dated 19/03/2021.
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