11:42 10 Mar 25
Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
1.In line with para 141-147 and para 168-171 of the CDM project cycle procedure for proramme of activities, only changes to the PoA-DD can be submitted under the post-registration changes (PRC) track. Changes to component project activities shall be done via notification of changes as per section 6.3 of the PCP. Thus, the notification of change is not permissible with the request for issuance.
Further we have observed that this issuance request contains applicable PRC for the Component project activity. Therefore, until the PoA PRC and the CPA level change request has not been approved by the board, this issuance request shall not be submitted.
2.The monitoring report refers on page 21 to actual values achieved by the specific-case CPA(s) during this monitoring period to total 70,248 CO2, whereas the ER spreadsheet on sheet CPA MPI section F4.5 refers to the total 55,687 CO2.
3.There is an inconsistency in the type of PRC changes between the monitoring report/verification/certification report (corrections and permanent changes to the registered monitoring plan), validation report for post-registration changes/post-registration changes signed form/post-registration change view page (permanent changes to the registered monitoring plan).
4.The request for issuance form is not complete, as page 2 is missing.
5.The monitoring report contains a blank page (page 8).
6.There is an inconsistency of the version of the PoA-DD between the monitoring report (version 5.1) and the verification/certification report/validation report for post-registration changes for CPA1 (version 4.1). Please note that the registered PoA-DD is version 3.
The monitoring/verification/certification report refer to the CPA-DD version 5.1 dated 03/04/2019 whereas the included CPA-DD is version 4 dated 20/06/2014.
1.In line with para 141-147 and para 168-171 of the CDM project cycle procedure for proramme of activities, only changes to the PoA-DD can be submitted under the post-registration changes (PRC) track. Changes to component project activities shall be done via notification of changes as per section 6.3 of the PCP. Thus, the notification of change is not permissible with the request for issuance.
Further we have observed that this issuance request contains applicable PRC for the Component project activity. Therefore, until the PoA PRC and the CPA level change request has not been approved by the board, this issuance request shall not be submitted.
2.The monitoring report refers on page 21 to actual values achieved by the specific-case CPA(s) during this monitoring period to total 70,248 CO2, whereas the ER spreadsheet on sheet CPA MPI section F4.5 refers to the total 55,687 CO2.
3.There is an inconsistency in the type of PRC changes between the monitoring report/verification/certification report (corrections and permanent changes to the registered monitoring plan), validation report for post-registration changes/post-registration changes signed form/post-registration change view page (permanent changes to the registered monitoring plan).
4.The request for issuance form is not complete, as page 2 is missing.
5.The monitoring report contains a blank page (page 8).
6.There is an inconsistency of the version of the PoA-DD between the monitoring report (version 5.1) and the verification/certification report/validation report for post-registration changes for CPA1 (version 4.1). Please note that the registered PoA-DD is version 3.
The monitoring/verification/certification report refer to the CPA-DD version 5.1 dated 03/04/2019 whereas the included CPA-DD is version 4 dated 20/06/2014.
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