03:03 04 Jan 25
Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
1.In line with para 135 of the CDM project cycle procedure for project of activities, for issuance track, the DOE shall submit a request for approval of changes (PRC) to the secretariat through a dedicated interface on the UNFCCC CDM website. However, the PRC documents were submitted under additional documents of the issuance request.
2.The verification/certification report on page 7 section E.4.1 and monitoring report on page 4 section B.2.1 refer to post-registration changes "Temporary deviations" however, no PRC is submitted with this request for issuance.
3.Scope: According to PCP for Project Activities para 196 a duly completed CDM-ISS-FORM shall be submitted.
Issue: The request for issuance form refers to PRC submitted with the issuance request. However, no PRC is submitted with this request for issuance.
4.Scope: The cross-referencing and versioning within and between the document are not correct and accurate.
Issue: There is an inconsistency in the cross-referencing of the monitoring report date. The validation report for post-registration changes on page 10 Appendix 3 reference number 4 refers to monitoring report version 2 dated 30/06/2022, whereas the applicable monitoring report is version 2 dated 01/07/2022.
1.In line with para 135 of the CDM project cycle procedure for project of activities, for issuance track, the DOE shall submit a request for approval of changes (PRC) to the secretariat through a dedicated interface on the UNFCCC CDM website. However, the PRC documents were submitted under additional documents of the issuance request.
2.The verification/certification report on page 7 section E.4.1 and monitoring report on page 4 section B.2.1 refer to post-registration changes "Temporary deviations" however, no PRC is submitted with this request for issuance.
3.Scope: According to PCP for Project Activities para 196 a duly completed CDM-ISS-FORM shall be submitted.
Issue: The request for issuance form refers to PRC submitted with the issuance request. However, no PRC is submitted with this request for issuance.
4.Scope: The cross-referencing and versioning within and between the document are not correct and accurate.
Issue: There is an inconsistency in the cross-referencing of the monitoring report date. The validation report for post-registration changes on page 10 Appendix 3 reference number 4 refers to monitoring report version 2 dated 30/06/2022, whereas the applicable monitoring report is version 2 dated 01/07/2022.
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