Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
1.Scope: The cross-referencing and versioning within and between the document are not correct and accurate.
Issue: Page 39 of the Verification Report displays the final version dated 27 May, 2013. However, the submitted Monitoring Report is dated 23 September, 2013, version 3.

2.Scope: Cross-referencing and versioning within and between the document is not correct and accurate.
Issue: The request for issuance for the monitoring period 01 Jan 12 - 31 Dec 12, refer to a date and version of the PDD which are not consistent with the registered PDD version 03, dated 30 August, 2007.
The submitted Monitoring Report version 3, dated 29 September, 2013 and Verification Report dated 24 September, 2013; both files refer to a PDD version 05, dated 27 September 2013 which are not consistent with the registered PDD.