Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
1.Scope: According to EB48 Annex 68 paragraph 9(e), cross-referencing and versioning within and between the document must be correct and accurate.
Issue: Page 5 of Verification report refers to the monitoring report version 1.1 dated 18.10.2012.

2.Scope: According to EB48 Annex 68 paragraph 9(e), cross-referencing and versioning within and between the document is correct and accurate.
Issue: Certification report refers to the PDD version 7 dated 2.12.2012 where as the submitted PDD is version 7 dated 3.11.2009.

3.Scope: According to EB48 Annex 68 paragraph 9(e), cross-referencing and versioning within and between the document must be correct and accurate.
Issue: There is an inconsistency of methodology between the project view page ( AMS-I.D. version 13, AMS-I.C. version 13, AMS-III.Q) and the rest of the documents submitted (AMS-III.Q version 2, ACM0012 version 3.1).

4.Scope: According to EB48 Annex 68 paragraph 9(f), the crediting period throughout the documentation must be consistent.
Issue: Verification report refers to the 1st crediting period (2.12.2009-1.4.2011) which is the monitoring period.