Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: The number of Certified Emission Reduction and the breakdown of CERs to be issued up to 31 December 2012 and CERs issued from 01 Jan 2013, where applicable, in request for issuance form do not correspond to the number of Certified Emission Reduction and breakdowns, verified by the DOE.
Issue: We observed that for this request for issuance, the PPs do not wish to claim CERs for the part of the monitoring period 01/07/2011 to 31/12/2012.

In accordance with paragraphs 59, 61 and 64 of the annex to decision 3/CMP.1 and as reaffirmed in the EB 85 meeting report, para. 66, the certified amount of emission reductions shall be equal to the verified amount of emission reductions.

The possible way forward could be to split the current monitoring period into different periods i.e. period for which the PPs wish to claim CERs and period for which the PPs do not wish to claim CERs. If you agree with this approach, please confirm with the return e-mail and secretariat will split the monitoring period. Once done, secretariat will inform you and after that you can re-submit the requests for issuance for the period for which the PPs wish to claim the CERs