Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
1.Scope: All documents are not in English or do not contain a full translation of relevant sections into English as per instructions for filling out the monitoring report form in line with PS version 9 para 260.
Issue: Sheets "HMA-Calcul emission CO2" and "HMA" of the CER calculation spreadsheet are not in English.

2.Scope: The submitted documents are not internally and mutually consistent.
Issue: There is an inconsistency of project title between the monitoring report/certification/verification report/revised PDD/Assessment opinion/signed form for PRC (Haouma Wind Farm Project) and project view page/signed form for issuance request (Haouma Wind Farm Project, developed by NAREVA HOLDING).

3.Scope: The number of Certified Emission Reduction and the breakdown of CERs to be issued up to 31 December 2012 and CERs issued from 01 Jan 2013, where applicable, in request for issuance form do not correspond to the number of Certified Emission Reduction and breakdowns, verified by the DOE.
Issue: The monitoring report refers on page 1 to GHG emission reductions or net GHG removals by sinks reported up to 31 December 2012 as "not applicable" whereas it should be "0" as stated on page 15 as well as the rest of the documents submitted. Kindly revise it to "0".

4.Scope: The monitoring period throughout the documentation is not consistent.
Issue: There is an inconsistency of the monitoring period between the CER calculation sheet (01/01/2013 - 31/12/2014) and the rest of the documents submitted (31/12/2013 - 31/12/2014).

5.Scope: The submitted documents are not internally and mutually consistent.
Issue: The verification/certification report refers to the registration date 31/12/2012 (page 2) whereas the project was registered on 25/08/2011.