Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
1.Scope: According to EB48 Annex 68 paragraph 9 (e), the number of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), within and between the documents must be correct and accurate.
The CER Calculations sheet - Introduction page in the submitted Spreadsheet shows the number of CERs to be 171,052.

2.Scope: According to EB48 Annex 68 paragraph 9(e), cross-referencing and versioning within and between the document is correct and accurate.
Issue: The version and the date of the registered PDD (version 4 of April 2006) does not correspond to the version and the date of PDD indicated under Verification and Certification Statement (PDD, version 5 dated October 2006) in your Verification and Certification Report. Even though it has been stated in the verification report that this PDD version 5 is available only under the ”registration full history” in the UNFCCC webpage DB/SGSUKL1152286575.05/history; this PDD version 5 in page 3 is dated April 2006.