Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
Scope: According to PCP v2 para 138(c) a revised PDD (in both clean and track changes version) must be submitted.

Issue 1: According to the meeting report "Sixteenth conference call with DOE/AIE coordination forum" para. 17, available under:; the DOE is kindly requested to submit the PDD applying the latest version approved by the Board. Please refer to EB68, Annex 43 available under:

Issue 2: The submitted Monitoring Report, Certification Statement, Verification Report and Assessment Opinion state that the revised PDD submitted in this request for "Post Registration Changes" is version 4.1. Whereas the approved revision of a previous PDD submission is version 5. For transparency purposes, the DOE is kindly requested to provide subsequently; a sequentially versioning and date control to the revised PDD.