Completeness Check
Submission incomplete:
1.The monitoring report as well as the verification and certification report refer to PRC (permanent changes) however, the request for issuance does not refer to a PRC and there is no post registration changes submitted with this request for issuance.
In line with para 135 of the CDM project cycle procedure for project of activities, for issuance track, the DOE shall submit a request for approval of changes (PRC) to the secretariat through a dedicated interface on the UNFCCC CDM website.

2.Validation report for post-registration changes has not been submitted.

3.A revised PDD has not been submitted.

4.According to PCP for Project Activities version 2.0, para 199, a valid version of the CDM-MR-FORM shall be submitted.
1. The verification and certification report refers to monitoring report version 1.2 dated 02/06/2022 however, the submitted monitoring report is version 1.2 dated 06/02/2022.