ACM0022: Alternative waste treatment processes --- Version 1.0.0

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Title Alternative waste treatment processes (644 KB)

Tools referenced in this methodology:

Version number
Scale Large scale --- Consolidated
Status Not Active (old version)
Validity Valid from 13 Sep 12 to 27 Nov 14
Sectoral scope(s) 1, 13
Sources Replaces: AM0025 , AM0039
Clarifications* Clarification on applicable value of methane density and appropriateness of emission sources from soil application of waste by-products and storage of digestate (submitted 21 Apr 20): AM_CLA_0283 (115 KB)
Clarification on applicability of TDL for electricity generation under ACM0022 (submitted 07 May 20): AM_CLA_0284 (85 KB)
Revisions* The balance method for the measurement of FCCj (Fraction of total carbon content in waste type j) and FFCj (Fraction of fossil carbon in total content of waste type j) (submitted 10 Jul 14): AM_REV_0253 (105 KB)

* Only the requests for clarification and revision that have been clarified by the Meth Panel are displayed. To view all requests for clarification, go to this page. To view all requests for revision, go to this page.