Project 7651 : Chongqing Fufeng Cement 9MW Waste Heat Recovery for Power Generation Project
Project title Chongqing Fufeng Cement 9MW Waste Heat Recovery for Power Generation Project
- project design document (723 KB)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - IRR sheet (1383 KB)
Appendix 2 - ER sheet (81 KB)
Appendix 3 - PP change (65 KB)

- registration request form (155 KB)
SDC description report Not Available. Please refer to our Further Information on SD-Tool
Host Parties China , involved indirectly approval (1930 KB) authorization (1930 KB)
Authorized Participants: Chongqing Fufeng Cement Group Special Cement Co., Ltd.
Other Parties Involved Japan , involved indirectly approval (1695 KB) authorization (1695 KB)
Authorized Participants: Tepia Corporation Japan Co., Ltd.
Sectoral scopes 4 : Manufacturing industries
Activity Scale SMALL
Methodologies Used AMS-III.Q. ver. 4 - Waste energy recovery (gas/heat/pressure) projects
Standardized baselines used N/A
Amount of Reductions 44,392 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Fee level USD 7378.4
Validation Report VVS/VVM version: VVM 1.2
Validation report (950 KB) Public availability information
Link to information uploaded for public availability
Modalities of Communication
MoC Annex 1
Modalities of Communication valid as of 06/06/2013
Registration Date 19 Nov 12 (Date of registration action 08 Feb 13)   (view history)   completeness check: complete info & rep check: concluded
Crediting Period 19 Nov 12 - 18 Nov 22 (Fixed)
Changed from: 01 Feb 13 - 31 Jan 23
Requests for Issuance
and related documentation

Monitoring report: 19 Nov 2012 - 31 Jul 2013 (550 KB)
Issuance request state: Issued
CERs requested up to 31 December 2012: 4639
CERs requested from 01 Jan 2013 until 31 December 2020: 14130
Serial Range: Block start: CN-5-873093397-1-1-0-7651      Block end: CN-5-873098035-1-1-0-7651
Serial Range: Block start: CN-5-873098036-2-2-0-7651      Block end: CN-5-873112165-2-2-0-7651
[Full view and history]

Monitoring report: 01 Aug 2013 - 30 Jun 2015 (1014 KB)
Issuance request state: Issued
CERs requested from 01 Jan 2013 until 31 December 2020: 61728
Serial Range: Block start: CN-5-963679641-2-2-0-7651      Block end: CN-5-963741368-2-2-0-7651
[Full view and history]

Monitoring report: 01 Jul 2015 - 31 Jul 2017 (416 KB)
Issuance request state: Issued
CERs requested from 01 Jan 2013 until 31 December 2020: 56882
Serial Range: Block start: CN-5-1071521747-2-2-0-7651      Block end: CN-5-1071578628-2-2-0-7651
[Full view and history]