Request Issuance of CERs

In accordance with the modalities and procedures for the CDM and as defined in the Glossary of CDM Terms, Issuance is the instruction by the CDM Executive Board to the CDM Registry Administrator to issue a specified quantity of CERs, lCERs, or tCERs for a project activity or PoA into the pending account of the Board in the CDM registry, for subsequent distribution to accounts of project participants in accordance with the CDM rules and requirements.

In order to request issuance of CERs, the Designated Operational Entity shall:

Submit the Issuance request form for a CDM project activity or programme of activities

  1. Submit the request for issuance in line with the CDM Project Cycle Procedure through a dedicated web-interface using the form (F-CDM-ISS) for CDM project activities or (F-CDM-PoA-ISS) for programme of activities.

The issuance request should include all documents listed in the applicable checklists which are published here together with the CDM Project Cycle Procedure. Issuance can only be requested after the DOE has verified the monitored emission reductions (or removal enhancements in case of afforestation and reforestation) and certified the quantity of claimed CERs (or lCERs or tCERs).

As defined in the Glossary of CDM Terms , verification is the periodic independent evaluation and ex post determination by a DOE of monitored reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG that have occurred as a result of a registered CDM project activity or PoA, or, for afforestation and reforestation (A/R) CDM project activities or PoAs, the periodic independent evaluation and ex post determination by a DOE of the net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks achieved by the A/R project activity or PoA. Certification is the written assurance by a DOE that, during a specified time period, a CDM project activity achieved the reductions in anthropogenic GHG emissions by sources (or, in case of A/R, the net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks), as verified.

The Issuance

  1. After an issuance request is submitted by the DOE, the secretariat endeavors to begin the assessment process as soon as possible. The first step is the completeness check, scheduled for 7 days, followed by the information and reporting check, scheduled for 23 days.

If an issuance request does not meet the checking-requirements, it is considered incomplete and the responsible DOE and project participants are notified accordingly. In this case, the issuance request may be re-submitted with revised documentation, and will then be treated as a new submission.

Only after the successful completion of both checks is the issuance request published on the CDM website and presented to the CDM Executive Board. Parties involved in the project or members of the CDM Executive Board may request a review of any issuance request within the first 28 days of publication (or within 42 days in case of programmes of activities). If a Party involved or at least three members of the CDM Executive Board do so, the issuance request will go under review. Otherwise, the secretariat will instruct the CDM registry administrator to issue a quantity of CERs claimed in the request for issuance into the pending account of the Board in the CDM registry

When it is determined that an issuance request will go under review, the review will be made in accordance with section VIII.B. of the CDM Project Cycle Procedure

Pay the share of proceeds (SOP) and instruct the CDM registry administrator on the distribution of CERs

  1. After receiving an issuance confirmation from the UNFCCC secretariat including the amount of the share of proceeds to be paid, the project participants or the DOE shall pay the due amount and instruct the CDM registry administrator on the distribution of the CERs as described here

Information on issuance of CERs can be found here