Version 01.0

Date: 1–3 December, 9–11 December, and 14 December 2020

Venue: Virtual

Agenda item 1. Agenda and meeting organization

Agenda item 1.1. Opening

1. Due to travel restrictions and guidance from health authorities, the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism (CDM) (hereinafter referred to as the Board) met virtually.

2. Mr. El Hadji Mbaye Diagne, Chair of the Board, opened the meeting and asserted that the quorum requirement was met.

3. Table 1 below presents the attendance of members and alternate members at the meeting. The names of members and alternate members present at the meeting are in bold print.

Table 1. Attendance*



Mr. Omar Alcockb

Mr. Amjad Abdullab

Mr. El Hadji Mbaye Diagnea

Mr. Rachid Tahiria

Mr. Piotr Dombrowickib

Ms. Anna Romanovskayab

Ms. Diana Harutyunyanb

Ms. Natalie Kushkob

Mr. Olivier Kassia

Mr. Frank Wolkea

Mr. José Domingos Gonzalez Miguezb

Ms. Asmau Jibrilb

Mr. Lambert Schneidera

Mr. Kazunari Kainoua

Mr. Muhammad Tariqb Mr. Kamal Djemouaib

Mr. Spencer Linus Thomasa

Mr. Eduardo Calvoa

Mr. Sirous Vatankhaha

Mr. Nurul Quadira

* In view of the postponement of the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 16) to 2021, the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, on 25 August 2020, decided to extend the current membership of the Convention, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement bodies, as needed, until successors can be appointed or elected ( In accordance with rule 4 of the rules of procedure of the Board (decision 4/CMP.1, annex I), the members and alternate members shall remain in office until their successors are elected.

(a) Term: Two years, i.e. starting the first meeting in 2019.

(b) Term: Two years, i.e. starting the first meeting in 2020.

Agenda item 1.2. Adoption of the agenda

4. The Board adopted the agenda of the meeting with the addition of the following items:

  1. Request from International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) under agenda item 2.2. 'Strategic planning and direction';
  2. Three additional communications (INQ-10395, INQ-10398 and INQ-10402) under agenda item 5. 'Relations with forums and other stakeholders'.

Agenda item 2. Governance and management matters

Agenda item 2.1. Membership issues

5. The Board considered information provided by members and alternate members with respect to any potential conflict of interest.

Agenda item 2.2. Strategic planning and direction

6. The Board considered the implications of the postponement of CMP 16 on the operations of the CDM after the second commitment period and decided to make a recommendation to the CMP, as contained in annex 1 to this report.

7. The Board agreed, as temporary measures pending CMP guidance at CMP 16:

  1. To process requests for registration of project activities and programmes of activities (PoAs), renewal of crediting periods and PoA periods, and inclusion and renewal of crediting periods of component project activities that have a crediting period or PoA period starting on or after 1 January 2021 in accordance with the CDM rules and CMP decisions that are in force as at the date of adoption of this report and with any other decisions of the Board taken before CMP 16, with the exception that:
    1. Registration fees are not charged, pending CMP guidance at CMP 16;
    2. At the point of receiving the request, the secretariat should request the project participants and coordinating/managing entities to acknowledge and accept the risk that it may not be possible for certified emission reductions (CERs) to be issued for the emission reductions achieved; and
    3. If analysis of such submissions is completed, it shall be recorded as “provisional” and only be finalized by the Board after guidance from the CMP;
  2. To inform project participants and coordinating/managing entities that, in converting emission reductions achieved on or after 1 January 2021 to carbon dioxide equivalents in project and programme design documents, they shall apply as global warming potential values the lowest value from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment reports for each greenhouse gas for a 100-year time horizon; and
  3. To inform designated operational entities (DOEs) that validation reports for the project and programme design documents referred to in sub-paragraph (b) above shall contain a forward action request that requires the project participants and the coordinating/managing entities to: 
    1. Apply any global warming potential values that may be adopted by the CMP for that period in their monitoring reports for any emission reductions achieved on or after 1 January 2021; and 
    2. Update their project or programme design documents in accordance with any requirements of the CMP guidance.

8. The Board agreed, as further temporary measures pending CMP guidance at CMP 16:

  1. To process requests for issuance of CERs for emission reductions achieved on or after 1 January 2021 in accordance with the CDM rules and CMP decisions that are in force as at the date of adoption of this report and with any other decisions of the Board taken before CMP 16, with the exception that:
    1. Share of proceeds for administrative expenses is not to be charged, pending CMP guidance at CMP 16;
    2. At the point of receiving the request, the secretariat should request the project participants and coordinating/managing entities to acknowledge and accept the risk that it may not be possible for CERs to be issued for the emission reductions achieved; and
    3. If analysis of such submissions is completed, it shall be recorded as “provisional” and only be finalized by the Board after guidance from the CMP;
  2. To inform project participants and coordinating/managing entities that, in preparing monitoring reports for emission reductions achieved on or after 1 January 2021, they shall apply the global warming potential values of the relevant greenhouse gases as specified in paragraph 7(b) above; and
  3. To inform DOEs that verification reports for the monitoring reports referred to in sub-paragraph (b) above shall contain a forward action request that requires the project participants and the coordinating/managing entities to update their monitoring reports:
    1. To apply any global warming potential values that may be adopted by the CMP; and
    2. In accordance with any requirements of the CMP guidance.

9. The Board requested the secretariat to prepare a document to clarify the application of the temporary measures for consideration by the Board at EB 109.

10. The Board considered a request for information received from the ICAO related to Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) and agreed to consider it at its next meeting and to respond accordingly.

11. The Board took note of an update on the latest carbon market and policy developments.

12. Due to time constraints, the Board could not consider the proposed promotional activities for the United Nations Online Platform for Voluntary Cancellation of CERs and agreed to consider them in 2021.

Agenda item 2.3. Performance management

13. The Board considered its annual report to the CMP at its sixteenth session and agreed to continue its consideration at its next meeting.

14. The Board took note of the update on the status of the work of the Board, noting the changes highlighted in its workplan for 2020.

15. The Board took note of the synthesis report of the DOEs' annual activity reports, covering the period from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. The Board also took note that the synthesis report will be made available on the UNFCCC CDM website.1

Agenda item 2.4. Matters related to the Board and its support structure

16. The Board took note of the resignation of Mr. Gilberto Caldeira Bandeira de Melo from the Methodologies Panel (MP), effective 13 October 2020. The Board agreed not to appoint a new member to the vacant seat for the remainder of the term. The Board expressed its deep appreciation to Mr. de Melo for more than 16 years of his contributions to the work of the MP and Small-Scale Working Group.

Agenda item 2.5. Operations of panels and working groups

(a). CDM Accreditation Panel

17. The Board took note that no report of the CDM Accreditation Panel was to be considered at this meeting.

(b). Methodologies Panel

18. The Board took note of the report of the 83rd meeting of the MP and the electronic consultation reports CDM-MP83-EC01 and CDM-MP83-EC02. The reports summarized information relating to the work of the MP, including submissions of methodologies and recommendations to the Board. The decisions of the Board related to the recommendations of the MP are contained under agenda item 4. "Regulatory matters".

Agenda item 3. Rulings (case-specific)

Agenda item 3.1. Accreditation

19. The Board took note that no accreditation case-specific issues were to be considered at this meeting.

Agenda item 3.2. Registration

20. The Board noted that 7,846 CDM project activities have been registered as at 14 December 2020. The status of requests for registration of project activities can be viewed on the UNFCCC CDM website.2

21. The Board noted that 337 CDM PoAs have been registered as at 14 December 2020 and that under these PoAs, 2,673 component project activities have been included. The status of requests for registration of PoAs can be viewed on the UNFCCC CDM website.3

Agenda item 3.3. Issuance

22. The Board noted that 2,067,534,653 CERs have been issued for CDM project activities and that 33,218,886 CERs have been issued for PoAs as at 14 December 2020. The status of CERs issued can be viewed on the UNFCCC CDM website.4

23. The Board noted that 63,515,166 CERs (CERs/temporary CERs/long-term CERs) have been voluntarily cancelled as at 14 December 2020. Out of these, 2,378,108 CERs were voluntarily cancelled using the online platform for voluntary cancellation of CERs. The status of CERs voluntarily cancelled can be viewed on the UNFCCC CDM website.5

Agenda item 3.4. Other rulings

24. In accordance with the "CDM project cycle procedure for programmes of activities” (PCP-PoA), the Board considered the request for review for inclusion of a component project activity CPA 9863-P1-0004-CP1 "CPA004: Chennai Metro Rail Limited Corridor 1 Extension, Corridor 3, Corridor 4 and Corridor 5 under MRTS PoA" under registered PoA 9863 "The MRTS PoA", included by the DOE E-0051 "KBS Certification Services Pvt. Ltd." (KBS). The Board agreed that the temporary measures as defined under paragraphs 7 and 9 above will be applied.

25. In accordance with the PCP-PoA, the Board considered the request for review for inclusion of a component project activity 10494-P1-0001-CP1 "SSC CPA 1" under registered PoA 10494 "PROGRAM OF PHOTOVOLTAIC INCENTIVES OF COLOMBIA", included by the DOE E-0066 "Earthood Services Private Limited" (Earthood). The Board agreed that the temporary measures as defined under paragraphs 7 and 9 above will be applied.

26. In  accordance with the PCP-PoA, the Board considered one request for renewal of PoA period, for which assessments of the secretariat and the Registration and Issuance Team contained different proposed decisions, or the proposed decisions were the same but an objection was received from a member of the Board. The Board decided not to approve the request for renewal of PoA period of the PoA "Distribution of fuel-efficient improved cooking stoves in Nigeria" (PoA 6283), submitted by the DOE E-0052 "Carbon Check (India) Private Ltd." (Carbon Check).

27. In  accordance with the “CDM project cycle procedure for project activities”, the Board considered 11 requests for renewal of crediting period for project activities, as listed below. The Board agreed that the temporary measures as defined under paragraphs 7 and 9 above will be applied:

  1. "Catalytic N2O destruction project in the tail gas of three Nitric Acid Plants at Hu-Chems Fine Chemical Corp." (0765), submitted by the DOE E-0022 "TÜV NORD CERT GmbH" (TÜV NORD);
  2. "Xundian Gaobenshan Wind Farm Project" (7427), submitted by the DOE E-0065 "China Building Material Test and Certification Group Co. Ltd." (CTC);
  3. "Guyuan Shandianhe Wind Farm Phase I Project" (8610), submitted by the DOE E-0046 "China Classification Society Certification Company" (CCSC);
  4. "Xinjiang Hami Southeast Wind Zone 2000MW Wind Farm Kushui First Wind Power Project" (8656), submitted by the DOE E-0065 "China Building Material Test and Certification Group Co. Ltd." (CTC);
  5. "Datang International Faku Shuangtaizi Wind Power Project" (9590), submitted by the DOE E-0061 "Shenzhen CTI International Certification Co., Ltd" (CTI);
  6. "Datang International Faku Wulongshan 48MW New Wind Power Project" (9736), submitted by the DOE E-0061 "Shenzhen CTI International Certification Co., Ltd" (CTI);
  7. "Henan Mianchi Shangqu Wind Power Project" (9828), submitted by the DOE E-0061 "Shenzhen CTI International Certification Co., Ltd" (CTI);
  8. "Jiangxi Datang International Jishan Wind Farm Project" (9857), submitted by the DOE E-0046 "China Classification Society Certification Company" (CCSC);
  9. "Jiangxi Datang International Songmen Mountain Wind Power Project" (9864), submitted by the DOE E-0064 "China Classification Society Certification Company" (CCSC);
  10. "Jiangxi Datang International Anyuan Jiulongshan Wind Power Project" (9877), submitted by the DOE  E-0064 "China Classification Society Certification Company" (CCSC);
  11. "Chongli Xiqiaoliang Phase II 48MW Wind Power Project" (9897), submitted by the DOE E-0065 "China Building Material Test and Certification Group Co. Ltd." (CTC).

Agenda item 4. Regulatory matters

Agenda item 4.1. Standards/tools

(a). Standards for CDM project activities and programmes of activities

28. In response to the communications from the stakeholders (see paragraph 47 below), the Board agreed to further extend the period in which DOEs may apply alternative measures of validation/verification to mandatory on-site inspections until 30 June 2021. The Board had agreed on 20 March 2020 via electronic decision-making, to the temporary deviation from requirements regarding on-site inspections by DOEs because of travel restrictions caused by COVID-19 (CDM EB 106 meeting report, paragraph 26). The Board had further agreed on 23 June 2020, via electronic decision-making, to extend the period in which DOEs may apply alternative measures of validation/verification to mandatory on-site inspections until 31 December 2020, as contained in paragraph 30 of the 107th CDM Executive Board meeting report.

29. The Board considered the concept note “Revision of the regulatory provisions on standardized baselines” and approved the "Amendments to version 02.0 of the CDM project standard for project activities on application of standardized baselines" and the "Amendments to version 02.0 of the CDM project standard for programmes of activities on application of standardized baselines" and adopted the revised “Standard: Determining coverage of data and validity of standardized baselines”, as contained in annex 2, annex 3 and annex 4 to this report respectively.

30. The Board considered the concept note “Consistent use of market penetration metrics for additionality, common practice and FOIK” and agreed to conclude the conceptual work. The Board appreciated the work undertaken and requested the MP, based on the analysis contained in the concept note and the guidance provided by the Board at this meeting, to:

  1. Propose definitions for the terminologies associated with penetration of technology/measure with a view to include them in the CDM glossary of terms;
  2. Propose a consistent approach to the data vintage and data sources used for the determination of penetration of technology/measure with a view to include them in the CDM project cycle procedures or the CDM project standards; and
  3. Revise "TOOL23: Additionality of first-of-its-kind project activities" and "TOOL24: Common practice" to explore including an appropriate penetration threshold for technology/measure (e.g. 2.5 per cent). 

31. Due to time constraints, the Board could not consider the following issues and agreed to consider them in 2021:

  1. Progress report on digitalization of methodologies for web-based generation of project design documents and monitoring templates;
  2. Concept note "Revision of project 256: Digitalization of CDM methodologies"; and
  3. Concept note "Impacts of the use of the digitized methodology ACM0002 on the regulatory framework".

(b). Methodological standards for large-scale CDM project activities

(i). New methodologies and tools (large-scale)

32. The Board took note that no new large-scale methodologies and tools were to be considered at this meeting.

(ii). Revisions to approved methodologies and tools (large-scale)

33. The Board approved, as major revisions, the following revised methodologies:

  1. “AM0036: Use of biomass in heat generation equipment”, as contained in annex 5 to this report. The revision addresses inconsistencies and ambiguities in the language, and ensures consistency across methodologies for biomass utilization; and changes the title from “Fuel switch from fossil fuels to biomass in heat generation equipment” to “Use of biomass in heat generation equipment”;
  2. “ACM0006: Electricity and heat generation from biomass”, as contained in annex 6 to this report. The revision addresses inconsistencies and ambiguities in the language, and ensures consistency across methodologies for biomass utilization;
  3. “ACM0018: Electricity generation from biomass in power-only plants”, as contained in annex 7 to this report. The revision addresses inconsistencies and ambiguities in the language and ensures consistency across methodologies for biomass utilization; and
  4. “ACM0003: Partial substitution of fossil fuels in cement or quicklime manufacture”, as contained in annex 8 to this report. The revision introduces reference to “TOOL16: Project and leakage emissions from biomass” and addresses issues related to the fuel penalty.

(iii). Clarifications (large-scale)

34. The Board approved the responses by the MP to the following requests for clarification, as referred to in the report of the 83rd meeting of the MP:

  1. “AM_CLA_0286: Applying delayed passengers surveys for previous years”, regarding AM0101 (version 02.0) and ACM0016 (version  04.0); and
  2. “AM_CLA_0287: Clarification request on the use of RDF in waste to energy project applying ACM0022”, regarding ACM0022 (version 02.0).

(c). Methodological standards for small-scale CDM project activities

(i). New methodologies and tools (small-scale)

35. The Board considered the proposed new methodology “SSC-NM105: Switch from non-renewable biomass to electricity for cooking applications by the user” which is applicable to end-users connected to an electricity grid comprising at least one fossil fuel-based electricity generation source. The Board noted that, while the CMP 3 decided (decision 2/CMP.3, paragraphs 24 and 25) that the Board may, if necessary, revise the methodologies “Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal application by the user” and “Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass” without the need to make recommendations to the CMP, it was not evident whether it could approve new methodologies for shifting from non-renewable biomass to fossil fuel-based energy sources for cooking. The Board agreed to seek guidance from the CMP on whether the Board may approve the proposed new methodology and to report this matter in its annual report to the CMP.

(ii). Revisions to approved methodologies and tools (small-scale)

36. The Board approved, as major revisions, the following revised methodologies and tool:

  1. “AMS-I.E: Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal application by the user”, as contained in annex 9 to this report. The revision addresses the issue of stove stacking to develop best practice examples;
  2. “AMS-II.G: Energy-efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass”, as contained in annex 10 to this report. The revision addresses the issue of stove-stacking to develop best practice examples; and
  3. “TOOL30: Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass”, as contained in annex 11 to this report. The revision streamlines the tool and improves the data collection procedures.

37. With regard to the revision of the methodologies and tool in paragraph 36 above, the Board considered the caps recommended by the MP and agreed that additional analysis would be required and asked the MP to explore alternative options. The Board requested the MP to prepare a concept note for consideration by the Board at a future meeting.

38. The Board requested the MP to revise the methodology “AMS-III.AJ.: Recovery and recycling of materials from solid wastes” to have consistent methods to determine the emission factors associated with the consumption of fossil fuel and with the consumption of electricity in the production of virgin plastics. 

(iii). Clarifications (small-scale)

39.  The Board approved the responses by the MP to the following requests for clarification, as referred to in the report of the 83rd meeting of the MP:

  1. “SSC_790: Clarification on applicability conditions of AMS-III.AU. and AMS-III.BF. for rice cultivation projects”, regarding methodologies AMS-III.AU "Methane emission reduction by adjusted water management practice in rice cultivation" (version 04.0) and AMS-III.BF "Reduction of N2O emissions from use of Nitrogen Use Efficient (NUE) seeds that require less fertilizer application" (version 02.0);
  2. “SSC_791: Clarification on NUE Seeds under AMS-III.BF", regarding methodology AMS-III.BF "Reduction of N2O emissions from use of Nitrogen Use Efficient (NUE) seeds that require less fertilizer application" (version 02.0);
  3. “SSC_796: Clarification regarding AMS-II.G. para. 38 on the life span of stoves and the default replacement of devices after the end of their life span”, regarding AMS-II.G "Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass" (version 11.0); and
  4. “SSC_798: Clarification about which electric grid shall be selected to determine the grid emission factor (EFel,y) for baseline calculation in AMS-III.AJ”, regarding AMS-III.AJ "Recovery and recycling of materials from solid wastes" (version 07.0).

Agenda item 4.2. Procedures

40. While considering the concept note referred to in paragraph 29 above, the Board adopted the revised "Procedure: Development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines", as contained in annex 12 to this report. 

Agenda item 4.3. Policy issues

41. The Board noted that there were no policy issues related to rulings at this meeting.

Agenda item 5. Relations with forums and other stakeholders

42. The Board took note of the external inputs received on the annotated agenda of its 108tmeeting. The Board thanked the stakeholders for the inputs, which were considered by the Board under the relevant agenda items.

43. In accordance with the "Procedure: Process for dealing with letters from DNAs that withdraw approval/authorization”, the Board took note of the following withdrawal letters from the designated national authorities (DNAs):

  1. A letter from the DNA of the Netherlands to withdraw a letter of approval (LoA) issued to two project participants (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Netherland's Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment) for PoA “Yemen Electricity Distribution Loss Reduction Programme” (9557) with the effective date of withdrawal as 5 November 2020, being the date of receipt by the Board; and
  2. Two letters from the DNA of Sweden to withdraw two LoAs issued to two project participants (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Swedish Energy Agency) for PoA “Thailand energy efficiency improvement for street lightings” (8055) with the effective date of withdrawal as 5 November 2020, being the date of receipt by the Board.

44. The Board interacted with the DNA Forum Co-chair Mr. David Hynes (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), via video conference, and took note of the Forum's input. The Board thanked Mr. Hynes for his input and encouraged the Forum to continue raising issues related to the Board's guidance and proposing solutions.

45. The Board interacted with the Chair of the DOE/Accredited Independent Entity Coordination Forum, Mr. Werner Betzenbichler, via video conference, and took note of the Forum's input. The Board thanked Mr. Betzenbichler for his input and encouraged the Forum to continue raising issues related to the Board's guidance and proposing solutions.

46. The Board took note of the following activities undertaken relating to stakeholders, DNAs, applicant entities and DOEs:

  1. 52nd DOE conference call held on 22 October 2020 via video conference; and
  2. One global and three regional DNA Forum meetings held from 2 to 12 November 2020 via video-conference.

47. The Board considered 13 communications (INQ-10177, INQ-10189, INQ-10208, INQ-10215, INQ-10277, INQ-10284, INQ-10339, INQ-10342, INQ-10364, INQ-10368, INQ-10395, INQ-10398 and INQ-10402) submitted by stakeholders and agreed to respond to the submitters in accordance with the "Procedure: Direct communication with stakeholders".

48. The Board interacted with a registered observer, Mr. Stefano De Clara, accredited under the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA). The observer raised concerns about the lack of clarity on CDM operations that is affecting private sector entities involved in CDM operations. The Board took note of the input and thanked the observer for the interaction.

49. The Board thanked the registered observers, Mr. Lu Honghong and Mr. Pitt Yu Zhe, DNA Singapore for following the meeting. The observers did not request interaction with the Board during the meeting.

50. Observers to the 109th meeting of the Board shall register with the secretariat by 8 February 2021.

Agenda item 6. Other matters

51. The Board agreed to its tentative calendar of meetings for 2021, as contained in annex 13 to this report.

52. The Board agreed to the provisional agenda for the 109th meeting, to be held virtually on 1–11 March 2021, as contained in annex 14 to this report.

Agenda item 7. Conclusion of the meeting

53. The Board agreed that any decisions taken by the Board at this meeting are deemed to have been taken in Bonn, Germany.

54. The Board expressed its appreciation to the outgoing Chair,  Mr. El Hadji Mbaye Diagne, and Vice-Chair, Mr. Olivier Kassi, for their leadership and dedication in chairing the meetings in this year.

55. The Chair summarized the main conclusions and closed the meeting.

56. Any decisions taken by the Board shall be made publicly available in accordance with paragraph 17 of the "CDM modalities and procedures" and with rule 31 of the "Rules of procedure of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism". The proceedings of the open sessions of the meeting can be accessed via broadcast.6


Annexes to the report

Strategic planning and direction

Annex 1 - Recommendation to the CMP: Implications of the postponement of the CMP 16 for the operations of the CDM (version 01.0 )

Standards for CDM project activities and programmes of activities

Annex 2 - Standard: Amendments to version 02.0 of the CDM project standard for project activities on application of standardized baselines (version 01.0)

Annex 3 - Standard: Amendments to version 02.0 of the CDM project standard for programmes of activities on application of standardized baselines (version 01.0)

Annex 4 - Standard: Determining coverage of data and validity of standardized baselines (version 03.0)

Methodological standards for large-scale CDM project activities

Annex 5 - AM0036: Use of biomass in heat generation equipment (version 06.0)

Annex 6 - ACM0006: Electricity and heat generation from biomass (version 15.0)

Annex 7 - ACM0018: Electricity generation from biomass in power-only plants (version 05.0)

Annex 8 - ACM0003: Partial substitution of fossil fuels in cement or quicklime manufacture (version 09.0)

Methodological standards for small-scale CDM project activities

Annex 9 - AMS-I.E: Switch from non-renewable biomass for thermal application by the user (version 11.0)

Annex 10 - AMS-II.G: Energy efficiency measures in thermal applications of non-renewable biomass (version 12.0)

Annex 11 - TOOL30: Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass (version 03.0)


Annex 12 - Procedure: Development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines (version 06.0)

Other matters

Annex 13 - Tentative calendar of meetings for 2021 (version 01.0)

Annex 14 -  Provisional agenda: CDM Executive Board 109th meeting (version 01.0)

List of documents undergone editorial changes or issued since the last meeting
Regulatory Documents

- - - - -

Document information





14 December 2020

CDM EB 108 meeting report

Initial publication.

Decision Class: Operational
Document Type: Meeting report
Business Function: Governance
Keywords: EB, reporting procedures