The glossary of CDM terms explains terms used in the Project Design Document (CDM-PDD), and the Proposed New Baseline, Monitoring Methodologies (CDM-NM), CDM Programme of Activities Design Document (CDM-PoA DD) and CDM Programme Activity Design Document (CDM-CPA-DD) for both non-A/R and A/R, small and large scale CDM . The glossary facilitates the completion of these forms by project participants.
At its first session, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) adopted the ‘Marrakech Accords’ as well as all draft decisions recommended by the COP since the “Prompt start of the CDM” in 2001. These decision include, inter alia:
· Modalities and procedures for a clean development mechanism (hereafter referred as “CDM modalities and procedures”, see annex to decision 3/CMP.1);
· Simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale clean development mechanism project activities (hereafter referred as “CDM simplified modalities and procedures”, see decision 4/CMP.1);
· Modalities and procedures for afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM (hereafter referred as “CDM A/R modalities and procedures”, see decision 5/CMP.1)
· Modalities and procedures for small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM (hereafter referred as “CDM SSC A/R modalities and procedures”, see decision 6/CMP.1).
Users are encouraged to use this glossary together with the latest guidance on CDM project activities and CDM programme of activities available on <>
The terms listed in the glossary apply to the different kind of project activities. The following acronyms for types of project activities are:
P = CDM project activities
A/R = Afforestation and reforestation project activities
SSC = Small-scale project activities
SSC A/R = Small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities
The acronyms for types of programme of activities (PoA) are as follows:
P-PoA = Programme of activities
A/R-PoA = Afforestation and reforestation programme of activities
SSC-PoA = Small-scale programme of activities
SSC A/R-PoA = Small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities
The acronyms for types of CDM programme activity (CPA) are as follows:
P-CPA = CDM programme activity
A/R-CPA = Afforestation and reforestation CDM programme activity
SSC-CPA = Small-scale CDM programme activity
SSC A/R CPA = Small-scale afforestation and reforestation CDM programme activity
Actual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)
Additionality of a programme of activities (PoA - All types)
A/R CDM Project activity (A/R)
“Appropriate equivalent of 15 megawatts” (SSC)
Approval by Parties involved (All types)
“Attachment A to Appendix B” (SSC)
Authorization of a private and/or public entity to participate in a CDM project activity (All types)
Baseline approach (A/R - SSC A/R)
Baseline approach for A/R CDM project activities (A/R)
Baseline approach for SSC A/R CDM project activities (SSC A/R)
Baseline methodology (P - SSC)
Baseline and monitoring methodology (SSC A/R)
Baseline - approved methodology (P - A/R)
Baseline for small-scale CDM project activities - approved methodology (SSC)
Baseline and monitoring - simplified A/R approved methodology (SSC A/R)
Baseline net greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)
Baseline - new methodology (P - A/R)
Baseline for small-scale CDM project activities - new methodology (SSC)
Baseline and monitoring - new methodology (SSC A/R)
Baseline scenario (P – SSC, P-CPA, SSC-CPA)
Baseline scenario for A/R CDM project activities or CDM programme activity (A/R, A/R CPA)
Boundary for the programme of activities (PoA - All types)
Bundled project activities (SSC)
Categories of small-scale CDM project activities (SSC)
CDM Programme Activity (CPA - All types)
Certified emission reductions (CERs) (All types)
Clean development mechanism (CDM) (All types)
Confidential/proprietary information (All types)
Coordinating/managing entity and participants of PoA (All types)
Crediting period (CPA - All types)
Crediting period for A/R CDM project activities (A/R)
Crediting period for SSC A/R CDM project activities (SSC A/R)
Crediting period – fixed (also fixed crediting period) (P - SSC)
Crediting period – fixed (A/R - SSC A/R)
Crediting period – renewable (also renewable crediting period) (P - SSC)
Crediting period – renewable (A/R - SSC A/R)
De-bundled CDM programme activity (SSC-CPA, SSC A/R CPA)
De-bundled project activity (SSC - AR SSC)
Designated operational entity (DOE) (All types)
Duration of the programme of activities (PoA - All types)
Energy efficiency improvement project activities (SSC)
Environmental Analysis (PoA - All types)
Fixed Crediting Period (All types)
Issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) (P - SSC)
Leakage for A/R project activities (A/R - SSC A/R)
Long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) (A/R - SSC A/R)
Measurable and attributable (All types)
Modalities of communication of project participants with the Executive Board (All types)
Monitoring of a CDM project activity (P - SSC)
Monitoring of an A/R CDM project activity (A/R - SSC A/R)
Monitoring methodology (P - A/R - SSC)
Monitoring methodology (SSC A/R)
Monitoring methodology - approved (P - A/R)
Monitoring methodology for small-scale CDM project activities - approved (SSC)
Monitoring methodology - approved (SSC A/R)
Monitoring methodology - new (P -A/R)
Monitoring methodology for small-scale CDM project activities - new (SSC)
Monitoring methodology - new (SSC A/R)
Monitoring plan (A/R - SSC A/R)
Monitoring plan (PoA - All types)
Net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)
Operational and management arrangements (PoA - All types)
Operational lifetime of a project activity or CDM programme activity (All types, CPA - All types)
Other project activities (SSC)
Programme of activities (PoA - All types)
Project activity with more than one component (SSC)
Project boundary or boundary of CDM programme activity (P, P-CPA)
Project participants (All types)
Public funding (PoA - All types)
Renewable crediting period (All types)
Renewable energy project activities (SSC)
Request for distribution of CERs (P - SSC)
Request for distribution of lCERs or of tCERs (A/R - SSC A/R)
Same technology / measure (SSC)
Small-scale CDM project activities (SSC)
Small-scale A/R CDM Project activity (SSC A/R)
Starting date of a CDM programme activity (CPA - All types)
Starting date of a CDM project activity (P - SSC)
Starting date of an A/R CDM project activity (A/R)
Starting date of an SSC A/R CDM project activity (SSC A/R)
Temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs) (A/R - SSC A/R)
Transparent and conservative (P - SSC)
Transparent and conservative (A/R - SSC A/R)
Types of small-scale CDM project activities (SSC)
Type I project activities (SSC)
Type II project activities (SSC)
Type III project activities (SSC)
Actual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)
“Actual net greenhouse gas ( GHG) removals by sinks” is the sum of the verifiable changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary, minus the increase in emissions of the GHGs measured in CO2 equivalents by the sources that are increased as a result of the implementation of the afforestation or reforestation (A/R) project activity within the project boundary, attributable to the A/R CDM project activity.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Actual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks.
Additional (SSC A/R)
A small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM is additional if the actual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks are increased above the sum of the changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary that would have occurred in the absence of the registered small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM.
Additionality (SSC)
See “Attachment A to Appendix B”.
Additionality of a programme of activities (PoA - All types)
A PoA is additional if it can be demonstrated that in the absence of the CDM (i) the proposed voluntary measure would not be implemented, or (ii) the mandatory policy/regulation would be systematically not enforced and that noncompliance with those requirements is widespread in the country/region, or (iii) that the PoA will lead to a greater level of enforcement of the existing mandatory policy /regulation. This shall constitute the demonstration of additionality of the PoA as a whole.
Afforestation (A/R - SSC A/R)
“Afforestation” is the direct human-induced conversion of land that has not been forested for a period of at least 50 years to forested land through planting, seeding and/or the human-induced promotion of natural seed sources.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Afforestation.
A/R CDM Project activity (A/R)
An A/R CDM project activity is an afforestation or reforestation measure, operation or action that aims at achieving net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks. The Kyoto Protocol and the CDM modalities and procedures use the term “project activity” as opposed to “project”. An A/R CDM project activity could, therefore, be identical with or a component or aspect of a project undertaken or planned.
“Appropriate equivalent of 15 megawatts” (SSC)
See “Type I project activities”.
“Appendix A” (SSC - SSC A/R)
Refers to the Appendix A of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities which provides for a simplified project design document. The latest form for simplified project design document for small-scale CDM project activities is available in the section ‘Project design documents/forms’ of the UNFCCC CDM website:
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Appendix A.
“Appendix B” (SSC - SSC A/R)
Appendix B of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM
project activities corresponds to the indicative list of simplified baseline
and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity
categories. This list is updated and
modified by decisions by the Executive Board based on inputs by project
participants. The latest version of the
list is available on the
UNFCCC CDM website under the section on approved small-scale methodologies
(please refer to
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Appendix B.
“Appendix C” (SSC - SSC A/R)
The Appendix C of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities corresponds to the procedures for determining the occurrence of debundling.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Appendix C.
See also “Debundling”.
Approval by Parties involved (All types)
A written approval constitutes the authorization by a designated national authority (DNA) of specific entity(ies)’ participation as project proponents in the specific CDM project activity. The approval covers the requirements of paragraphs 33 and 40 (a) and (f) of the CDM modalities and procedures.
The DNA of a Party involved in a proposed CDM project activity shall issue a statement including the following:
The written approval shall be unconditional with respect to the above.
Multilateral funds do not necessarily require written approval from each participant’s DNA. However those not providing a written approval may be giving up some of their rights and privileges in terms of being a Party involved in the project.
A written approval from a Party may cover more than one project provided that all projects are clearly listed in the letter.
The Board agreed that the registration of a CDM project activity can take place without an Annex I Party being involved at the stage of registration. Before an Annex I Party acquires certified emission reductions from such a project activity from an account within the CDM Registry, it shall submit a letter of approval to the Board in order for the CDM Registry administrator to be able to forward CERs from the CDM Registry to the national registry of the Annex I Party.
The DOE shall receive documentation of the approval.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SCCA/R - Approval by Parties involved.
“Attachment A to Appendix B” (SSC)
The attachment A to Appendix B corresponds to list of barriers project participants shall use in order to demonstrate that a small-scale project activity would not have occurred otherwise (i.e. is additional). The latest version of the attachment A to Appendix B can be found on the UNFCCC CDM website under the section on approved small-scale methodologies (please refer to
A simplified baseline and monitoring methodology listed in Appendix B to the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities may be used for a small-scale CDM project activity if the project participants are able to demonstrate to a designated operational entity that the project activity would otherwise not be implemented due to the existence of one or more of the barriers listed in attachment A of appendix B. Where specified in appendix B for a project category, quantitative evidence that the project activity would otherwise not be implemented may be provided instead of a demonstration based on the barriers listed in attachment A to appendix B.
“Attributable” (All types)
See “measurable and attributable”.
Authorization of a private and/or public entity to participate in a CDM project activity (All types)
See “Approval by Parties involved”.
Baseline (All types)
See “baseline scenario”.
Baseline approach (P - SSC)
A baseline approach is the basis for a baseline methodology. The Executive Board agreed that the three approaches identified in sub-paragraphs 48 (a) to (c) of the CDM modalities and procedures be the only ones applicable to CDM project activities. They are:
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Baseline approach.
See” baseline approach for A/R CDM project activities”.
See “baseline approach for SSC A/R CDM project activities”.
Baseline approach for A/R CDM project activities (A/R)
A baseline approach is the basis for a baseline methodology. The Executive Board agreed that the three approaches identified in sub-paragraphs 22 (a) to (d) of the CDM A/R modalities and procedures shall be the only ones applicable to A/R CDM project activities. These are:
(a) Existing or historical, as applicable, changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary;
(b) Changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary from a land use that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment;
(c) Changes in carbon stocks in the pools within the project boundary from the most likely land use at the time the project starts.
See “baseline approach”.
See “baseline approach for SSC A/R CDM project activities”.
Baseline approach for SSC A/R CDM project activities (SSC A/R)
A baseline approach is the basis for a baseline methodology. The most likely baseline scenario of the small-scale A/R CDM project activity is considered to be the land-use prior to the implementation of the project activity, whichever is the case grasslands or croplands. Project activities implemented on settlements or wetlands are presently not included in SSC-AR-CDM.
Baseline methodology (P - SSC)
A methodology is an application of an approach as defined in paragraph 48 of the CDM modalities and procedures, to an individual project activity, reflecting aspects such as sector and region. No methodology is excluded a priori so that project participants have the opportunity to propose any methodology. In considering paragraph 48, the Executive Board agreed that, in the two cases below, the following applies:
(a) Case of a new methodology: In developing a baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the project activity and then an applicable methodology;
(b) Case of an approved methodology: In opting for an approved methodology, project participants have implicitly chosen an approach.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Baseline methodology.
Baseline methodology (A/R)
A methodology is an application of an approach as defined in paragraph 22 of the CDM A/R modalities and procedures, to an individual A/R CDM project activity, for the determination of the baseline scenario. A baseline methodology should reflect aspects such as environmental conditions and past land uses and land use changes. No methodology is excluded a priori so that project participants have the opportunity to propose a methodology. In considering paragraph 22, the Executive Board agreed that, the following cases apply:
(a) Case of a new methodology: In developing a baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the proposed A/R CDM project activity and then an applicable methodology;
(b) Case of an approved methodology: In opting for an approved methodology, project participants have implicitly chosen an approach.
Baseline and monitoring methodology (SSC A/R)
A methodology is an application of a baseline approach. The most likely baseline scenario of the small-scale A/R CDM project activity is considered to be the land-use prior to the implementation of the project activity, whichever is the case grasslands or croplands. Project activities implemented on settlements or wetlands are presently not included in SSC-A/R-CDM.
A "simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale afforestation and reforestation CDM project activities categories" is publicly available on the UNFCCC CDM website ( . Project participants may use the methodology for project categories, which fall under the applicability conditions of the methodology.
A baseline methodology should reflect aspects such as environmental conditions and past land uses and land use changes.
Baseline - approved methodology (P - A/R)
A baseline methodology approved by the Executive Board is publicly available along with relevant guidance on the UNFCCC CDM website ( or through a written request sent to cdm‑ or Fax: (49‑228) 815-1999.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R - Baseline - approved methodology.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to P-PoA-and A/R-PoA - Baseline - approved methodology
Baseline for small-scale CDM project activities - approved methodology (SSC)
A baseline methodology approved by the Executive Board is included in an indicative list of simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories (contained in the Appendix B to the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities) and is publicly available along with relevant guidance on the UNFCCC CDM website ( or it can be obtained through a request sent to cdm‑ or Fax: (49‑228) 815-1999.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC-PoA-Baseline - approved methodology. .
Baseline and monitoring - simplified A/R approved methodology (SSC A/R)
A simplified baseline and monitoring methodology approved by the Executive Board for selected small-scale afforestation and reforestation (A/R) CDM project activity categories is publicly available on the UNFCCC CDM website ( or through a written request sent to cdm‑ or Fax: (49‑228) 815-1999.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC-AR-PoA-Baseline and monitoring - approved methodology. .
Baseline net greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)
“Baseline net GHG removals by sinks” is the sum of the changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary that would have occurred in the absence of the A/R CDM project activity.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Baseline net greenhouse gas removals by sinks.
Baseline - new methodology (P - A/R)
Project participants may propose a new baseline methodology established in a transparent and conservative manner. In developing a new baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the project activity and then an applicable methodology. Project participants shall submit a proposal for a new methodology to a designated operational entity by forwarding a completed “ Proposed New Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies ( CDM-NM)” and the Project Design Document (CDM-PDD) with sections A to C, including relevant annexes, completed in order to demonstrate the application of the proposed new methodology to a proposed project activity.
The proposed new methodology will be treated as follows: If the designated operational entity determines that it is a new methodology, it will forward, without further analysis, the documentation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall expeditiously, if possible at its next meeting but not later than four months review the proposed methodology. Once approved by the Executive Board it shall make the approved methodology publicly available along with any relevant guidance and the designated operational entity may proceed with the validation of the project activity (applying the approved methodology) and submit the project design document for registration. In the event that the COP/MOP requests the revision of an approved methodology, no CDM project activity may use this methodology. The project participants shall revise the methodology, as appropriate, taking into consideration any guidance received.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R - Baseline new methodology.
Baseline for small-scale CDM project activities - new methodology (SSC)
Project participants may propose a new baseline methodology established in a transparent and conservative manner.
In accordance with paragraphs 15 and 16 of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities, project participants may propose changes to the simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies or propose additional project categories for consideration by the Executive Board. Project participants who wish to submit a new small-scale project activity category or revisions to a methodology shall make a request in writing to be considered by the Executive Board through the Working Group to assist the Executive Board using a downloadable form ‘F-CDM-SSC-Subm’ (please refer to The Board may draw on expertise, as appropriate, in considering new project categories and/or revisions of and amendments to simplified methodologies. Once approved, the Executive Board shall amend the indicative list of simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies contained in Appendix B.
Baseline and monitoring - new methodology (SSC A/R)
Project participants may propose a new baseline and monitoring methodology established in a transparent and conservative manner. Project activities that are very specific and have not been addressed by the selected small-scale A/R CDM project activities (as contained Appendix B of as “CDM-SSC-A/R modalities and procedures” of decision 6/CMP.1), project participants in accordance with decision 6/CMP.1, may propose new simplified methodologies or amendments to these simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for project activities that would not fall under the applicability conditions of these baseline and monitoring methodology. Such proposed new methodologies would be subject to the consideration of the CDM Executive Board.
Where project participants willing to submit a new type of small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM or revisions to a baseline and monitoring methodology shall make a request in writing in form F-CDM- SSC-A/R-Subm, to the Executive Board providing information about the activity and proposals on how a simplified baseline and monitoring methodology would be applied to this type. The Board may draw on expertise, as appropriate, in considering new project types and/or revisions of and amendments to simplified methodologies. The Executive Board shall expeditiously, if possible at its next meeting review the proposed methodology. Once it is approved, the Executive Board shall amend appendix B (of decision 6/CMP.1).
Baseline scenario (P - SSC)
The baseline for a CDM project activity is the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity. A baseline shall cover emissions from all gases, sectors and source categories listed in Annex A (of the Kyoto Protocol) within the project boundary . A baseline shall be deemed to reasonably represent the anthropogenic emissions by sources that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity if it is derived using a baseline methodology referred to in paragraphs 37 and 38 of the CDM modalities and procedures.
Different scenarios may be elaborated as potential evolutions of the situation existing before the proposed CDM project activity. The continuation of a current activity could be one of them; implementing the proposed project activity may be another; and many others could be envisaged. Baseline methodologies shall require a narrative description of all reasonable baseline scenarios.
To elaborate the different scenarios, different elements shall be taken into consideration, including related guidance issued by the Executive Board. For instance, the project participants shall take into account national / sectoral policies and circumstances, ongoing technological improvements, investment barriers, etc. (see Appendix C paragraph b (vii) and paragraphs 45 (e), 46, 48 (b) of decision 3/CMP.1).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Baseline scenario.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to P-CPA included in P-PoA and SSC-CPA included in SSC-PoA - Baseline scenario
Baseline scenario for A/R CDM project activities (A/R)
The baseline scenario for an A/R CDM project activity is the scenario that reasonably represents the sum of the changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary that would occur in the absence of the A/R CDM project activity. A baseline scenario shall be derived using a baseline methodology referred to in paragraphs 12 and 13 of the CDM A/R modalities and procedures.
A baseline shall cover all carbon pools within the project boundary but project participants may choose not to account for one or more carbon pools if they provide transparent and verifiable information indicating that the choice will not increase the expected net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks.
Different baseline scenarios may be elaborated as potential projections of the situation existing before the proposed A/R CDM project activity. The continuation of an existing activity could be one of them; the implementation of the proposed A/R CDM project activity may be another; and many others could be envisaged. Baseline methodologies shall require a narrative description of all reasonable baseline scenarios.
To elaborate the different scenarios, different elements shall be taken into consideration, including related guidance issued by the Executive Board. For instance, the project participants shall take into account national / sectoral policies and circumstances, ongoing technological improvements, past land uses and land-use changes, investment barriers, etc. (see paragraph b (vii) of Appendix C to decision 3/CMP.1 and paragraphs 20 (e) and 22 of decision 5/CMP.1).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R-CPA included in A/R-PoA - Baseline scenario
Baseline scenario for SSC A/R CDM project activities (SSC A/R)
The baseline for a proposed small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM is the scenario that reasonably represents the sum of the changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary that would have occurred in the absence of the proposed project activity. A baseline shall be deemed to reasonably represent the sum of the changes in carbon stocks in the carbon pools within the project boundary that would occur in the absence of the proposed small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM if it is derived using a baseline methodology referred to in Appendix B of as “CDM-SSC-A/R modalities and procedures” of decision 6/CMP.1.
A baseline shall cover all carbon pools as considered for small-scale A/R CDM project activities within the project boundary.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSCA/R-CPA included in SSCA/R-PoA - Baseline scenario
Biomass (All types)
Biomass means non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plants, animals and micro-organisms. This shall also include products, by-products, residues and waste from agriculture, forestry and related industries as well as the non-fossilized and biodegradable organic fractions of industrial and municipal wastes. Biomass also includes gases and liquids recovered from the decomposition of non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material.
Biomass residues means biomass by-products, residues and waste streams from agriculture, forestry and related industries.
Biomass residues (All types)
Biomass by-products, residues and waste streams from agriculture, forestry and related industries.
Boundary for the programme of activities (PoA - All types)
Definition of the boundary for the PoA is the geographical area (e.g., municipality, region within a country, country or several countries) within which all CDM programme activities (CPAs) included in the PoA will be implemented, taking into consideration the requirement that all applicable national and/or sectoral policies and regulations of each host country within that chosen boundary.
The physical boundary of a PoA may extend to more than one country provided that each participating non-annex I host Party provides confirmation that the PoA, and thereby all CPAs, assists it in achieving sustainable development.
Bundle (SSC)
Bringing together of several small-scale CDM project activities, to form a single CDM project activity or portfolio without the loss of distinctive characteristics of each project activity. Project activities within a bundle can be arranged in one or more sub-bundles, with each project activity retaining its distinctive characteristics. Such characteristics include its: technology/measure; location; and application of simplified baseline methodology. Project activities within a sub-bundle belong to the same type. The sum of the output capacity of projects within a sub-bundle must not be more than the maximum output capacity limit for its type.
Bundle (SSC A/R)
Bringing together of several small-scale CDM project activities, to form a single CDM project activity or portfolio without the loss of distinctive characteristics of each component project activity and with the total bundle not exceeding the limits stipulated in paragraph 6(c) of decision 17/CP.7 with the aim of lowering transaction costs per unit.
A bundle of small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities satisfies the conditions for bundling and the overall monitoring plan for the bundled small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities is appropriate
Bundled project activities (SSC)
See “Bundle”.
Carbon pools (A/R - SSC A/R)
Carbon pools1 are: above-ground biomass, belowground biomass, litter, dead wood and soil organic carbon. Project participants may choose not to account for one or more carbon pools if they provide transparent and verifiable information that indicates that the choice will not increase the expected net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Carbon pools.
Categories of small-scale CDM project activities (SSC)
See “ Small-scale CDM project activity categories”.
CDM Programme Activity (CPA - All types)
CPA - CDM programme activity - a project activity under a programme of activities. A CPA is a single, or a set of interrelated measure(s), to reduce GHG emissions or result in net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks, applied within a designated area defined in the baseline methodology. The applied approved methodology shall define whether the CPA is undertaken in a single facility/installation/land or undertaken in multiple facilities/installations/land.1 In the case of CPAs which individually do not exceed the SSC threshold, SSC methodologies may be used once they have first been reviewed and, as needed, revised to account for leakage in the context of a CPA.
Certification (P - SSC)
Certification is the written assurance by the designated operational entity that, during a specified time period, a project activity achieved the reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) as verified.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC -Certification.
Certification (A/R - SSC A/R)
Certification is the written assurance by the designated operational entity that an A/R CDM project activity achieved the net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks since the start of the project, as verified.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Certification.
Certified emission reductions (CERs) (All types)
A certified emission reduction or CER is a unit issued pursuant to Article 12 and requirements there under, as well as the relevant provisions in the CDM modalities and procedures, and is equal to one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent, calculated using global warming potentials defined by decision 2/CP.3 or as subsequently revised in accordance with Article 5 of the Kyoto Protocol.
Clean development mechanism (CDM) (All types)
Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol defines the clean development mechanism. “The purpose of the clean development mechanism shall be to assist Parties2 not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention, and to assist Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under article 3”.
Confidential/proprietary information (All types)
In accordance with paragraph 6 of the CDM modalities and procedures, information obtained from CDM project participants marked as proprietary or confidential shall not be disclosed without the written consent of the provider of the information, except as required by national law. Information used to determine additionality, to describe the baseline methodology and its application, and to support an environmental impact assessment shall not be considered as proprietary or confidential.
The Board agreed that detailed information on the demonstration of additionality and the determination of baselines, including related calculations, be either integrated in PDDs or submitted as annexes to PDDs.
Bearing in mind paragraph 6 of CDM M&P, project participants shall submit documentation that contains confidential and proprietary information in two versions:
· One marked up version where all confidential/proprietary parts shall be made illegible by the project participants (e.g. by covering those parts with black ink) so that this can be made publicly available;
· A second version containing all information which shall be treated as strictly confidential by all handling this documentation (DOEs/AEs, Board members and alternates, panel/committee and working group members, external experts requested to consider such documents in support of work for the Board, and the secretariat).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SSC A/R - Confidential/proprietary information.
Conservative (All types)
See “Transparent and conservative”.
Coordinating/managing entity and participants of PoA (All types)
A PoA shall be proposed by the coordinating or managing entity which shall be a project participant authorized by all participating host country DNAs involved and identified in the modalities of communication as the entity which communicates with the Board, including on matters relating to the distribution of CERs.
Project participants of the PoA shall make arrangements with the coordinator or managing entity, relating to communications, distribution of CERs and change of project participants .
Crediting period (CPA - All types)
The crediting period for a CDM programme activity is the period for which reductions from the baseline or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks are verified and certified by a designated operational entity for the purpose of issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) or long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) or of temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs). A crediting period shall not extend beyond the operational lifetime of the CDM programme activity.
Starting date, type (fixed or renewable) and duration of the crediting period of the CPA shall be decided taking into account that the starting date of a crediting period of the CPA shall be the date of its inclusion in the registered PoA or any date thereafter and that the duration of the crediting period shall not exceed the end date of the PoA.
The crediting period of a CPA will be either a maximum of seven years (twenty years for A/R project activities) which may be renewed at most two times or a maximum of ten years (thirty years for A/R project activities) with no option of renewal. However, the duration of crediting period of any CPA shall be limited to the end date of the PoA regardless of when the CPA was added.
The latest version of the “Procedures for Renewal of a Crediting Period of a Registered CDM project activity” shall be applied, mutatis mutandis, to a PoA every seven years (twenty years for A/R project activities). Any resulting changes to the PoA shall be applied by each CPA at the time of the first renewal of its crediting period after such change to the PoA. In case of multiple host Parties, only those CPAs which can apply these changes may renew their crediting period.
See also “Starting date of a CDM programme activity”
Crediting period (P - SSC)
The crediting period for a CDM project activity is the period for which reductions from the baseline are verified and certified by a designated operational entity for the purpose of issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs). Project participants shall choose the starting date of a crediting period to be after the date the first emission reductions are generated by the CDM project activity. A crediting period shall not extend beyond the operational lifetime of the project activity.
The crediting period may only start after the date of registration of the proposed activity as a CDM project activity. In exceptional cases, for project activities starting between 1 January 2000 and the date of the registration of a first clean development mechanism project, the starting date of the crediting period may be prior to the date of registration of the project activity if the project activity is submitted for registration before 31 December 2005 (please refer to paragraphs 12 and 13 of decision 17/CP.7 , paragraph 1 (c) of decision 18 /CP.9 and clarifications by the Executive Board, available on the UNFCCC CDM website).
The project participants may choose between two options for the length of a crediting period: (i) fixed crediting period or (ii) renewable crediting period, as defined in paragraph 49 (a) and (b) of the CDM M & P.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Crediting period.
Also see “crediting period for A/R CDM project activities”.
Also see “crediting period for SSC A/R CDM project activities”.
Crediting period for A/R CDM project activities (A/R)
The crediting period for an A/R CDM project activity is the period for which net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks are verified and certified by a designated operational entity for the purpose of issuance of long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) or of temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs). The crediting period shall begin at the starting date of the A/R CDM project activity. A crediting period shall not extend beyond the operational lifetime of the A/R CDM project activity.
The Board, at its twenty-first meeting, clarified that provisions of paragraphs 12 and 13 of decision 17/CP.7 do not apply to CDM afforestation and reforestation project activities. A CDM afforestation and reforestation project activity starting after 1 January 2000 can also be validated and registered after 31 December 2005 as long as the first verification of the project activity occurs after the date of registration of this project activity. Given that the crediting period starts at the same date as the starting date of the project activity, the projects starting 2000 onwards can accrue tCERs/lCERs as of the starting date.
The project participants may choose between two options for the length of a crediting period: (i) fixed crediting period or (ii) renewable crediting period, as defined in paragraph 23 (a) and (b) of the A/R CDM M & P.
See also ”Starting date of an A/R CDM project activity.
Crediting period for SSC A/R CDM project activities (SSC A/R)
The crediting period for an SSC A/R CDM project activity is the period for which net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks are verified and certified by a designated operational entity for the purpose of issuance of long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) or of temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs). The crediting period shall begin at the start of the small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM. The crediting period for a proposed small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM shall be either of the following:
(a) A maximum of 20 years which may be renewed at most two times, provided that, for each renewal, a DOE determines and informs the Executive Board that the original project baseline is still valid or has been updated taking account of new data where applicable;
(b) A maximum of 30 years.
A crediting period shall not extend beyond the operational lifetime of the SSC A/R CDM project activity.
project participants may choose between two options for the length of a
crediting period: (i) fixed crediting
period or (ii) renewable crediting period, as defined in paragraph 21 (a) and
(b) of the
modalities and procedures” , decision 6/CMP.1.
See also”starting date of an SSC A/R CDM project activity”.
Crediting period – fixed (also fixed crediting period) (P - SSC)
“Fixed Crediting Period” is one of two options for determining the length of a crediting period. In the case of this option, the length and starting date of the period is determined once for a project activity with no possibility of renewal or extension once the project activity has been registered. The length of the period can be a maximum of ten years for a proposed CDM project activity (paragraph 49 (b) of CDM modalities and procedures).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Crediting period – fixed (also fixed crediting period).
Crediting period – fixed (A/R - SSC A/R)
“Fixed Crediting Period” is one of two options for determining the length of a crediting period. In the case of this option, the length and starting date of the period is determined once for an A/R CDM project activity with no possibility of renewal or extension once the proposed A/R CDM project activity has been registered. The length of the period can be a maximum of thirty years for a proposed A/R CDM project activity (paragraph 23 (b) of CDM A/R modalities and procedures).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Crediting period – fixed.
Crediting period – renewable (also renewable crediting period) (P - SSC)
“Renewable crediting period” is one of two options for determining the length of a crediting period. In the case of this option, a single crediting period may be of a maximum of seven years. The crediting period may be renewed at most two times (maximum 21 years), provided that, for each renewal, a designated operational entity determines that the original project baseline is still valid or has been updated taking account of new data, where applicable, and informs the Executive Board accordingly (paragraph 49 (a) of the CDM modalities and procedures). The starting date and length of the first crediting period has to be determined before registration.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Crediting period – renewable.
Crediting period – renewable (A/R - SSC A/R)
“Renewable crediting period” is one of two options for determining the length of a crediting period. In the case of this option, a single crediting period may be of a maximum of twenty years. The crediting period may be renewed at most two times (maximum 60 years), provided that, for each renewal, a designated operational entity determines that the original project baseline is still valid or has been updated taking account of new data, where applicable, and informs the Executive Board accordingly (paragraph 23 (a) of the A/R CDM modalities and procedures). The starting date and length of the first crediting period has to be determined before registration.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Crediting period – renewable.
De-bundled CDM programme activity (SSC-CPA, SSC A/R CPA)
1. For the purposes of registration of a Programme of Activities (PoA)3 a proposed small-scale CPA of a PoA shall be deemed to be a de-bundled component of a large scale activity if there is already an activity,4 which:
a. Has the same activity implementer as the proposed small-scale CPA or has a coordinating or managing entity, which also manages a large scale PoA of the same sectoral scope, and;
b. The boundary is within 1 km of the boundary of the proposed small-scale CPA, at the closest point.
2. If a proposed small-scale CPA of a PoA is deemed to be a debundled component in accordance with paragraph 1 above, but the total size of such a CPA combined with a registered small-scale CPA of a PoA or a registered CDM project activity does not exceed the limits for small-scale CDM and small-scale A/R project activities as set out in Annex II of the decision 4/CMP.1 and 5/CMP.1 respectively, the CPA of a PoA can qualify to use simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM and small-scale A/R CDM project activities.
De-bundled project activity (SSC - AR SSC)
See “Debundling”.
Debundling (SSC - SSC A/R)
Debundling is defined as the fragmentation of a large-scale project activity into smaller parts. A small-scale project activity that is part of a large-scale project activity is not eligible to use the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities. A large-scale project activity or any component of a large-scale project activity shall follow the regular CDM modalities and procedures.
A proposed small-scale project activity shall be deemed to be a debundled component of a large-scale project activity if there is a registered small-scale CDM project activity or a request for registration by another small-scale project activity:
If a proposed small-scale project activity is deemed to be a debundled component, but the total size of such an activity combined with the previous registered small-scale CDM project activity does not exceed the limits for small-scale CDM project activities as set in paragraph 6 (c) of the decision 7/CP.17, the project activity can qualify to use simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Debundling.
See also “Project activity” and “same technology/measure”.
Designated operational entity (DOE) (All types)
An entity designated by the COP/MOP, based on the recommendation by the Executive Board, as qualified to validate proposed CDM project activities as well as verify and certify reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) and net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks. A designated operational entity shall perform validation or verification and certification on the same CDM project activity. Upon request, the Executive Board may however allow a single DOE to perform all these functions within a single CDM project activity. COP at its eight session decided that the Executive Board may designate on a provisional basis operational entities (please refer to decision 21/CP.8).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SSC A/R - Designated operational entity (DOE).
For the programme of activities, a DOE shall perform either validation/inclusion or verification/certification functions for a PoA, including SSC PoA and SSC-AR PoA. Upon request the Board may allow a DOE to perform allthese functions within a single PoA.
Duration of the programme of activities (PoA - All types)
The duration of the PoA, shall not exceed 28 years and 60 years for A/R project activities. The duration of the PoA shall be defined by the entity at the time of request for registration of the PoA. Any CPA can be added to the PoA at any time during the duration of the PoA by the coordinating/managing entity. The entity shall inform the CDM Executive Board of the adding of CPA(s) through a DOE using a pre-defined format.
Eligibility of land (A/R)
Project participants shall follow the latest procedures to define the eligibility of lands, as available at:
To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R-CPA, SSC A/R-CPA- Eligibility of land
Energy consumption (SSC)
See “Type II project activities”.
Energy efficiency (SSC)
See “Type II project activities”.
Energy efficiency improvement project activities (SSC)
See “Type II project activities”.
Environmental Analysis (PoA - All types)
Environmental analysis of the PoA shall be carried out as per requirements of the CDM modalities and procedures. If this analysis is not undertaken for the PoA but is to be done at the CPA level this shall be described and reflected in the CDM programme of activities design document (CDM-POA-DD) and the CDM programme activity design document (CDM-CPA-DD).
Equipment performance (SSC)
To determine equipment performance, project participants shall use:
(a) The appropriate value specified in Appendix B for the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities;
(b) If the value specified in sub-paragraph (a) is not available, the national standard for the performance of the equipment type (project participants shall identify the standard used);
(c) If the value specified in sub-paragraph (b) is not available, an international standard for the performance of the equipment type, such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards (project participants shall identify the standard used);
(d) If a value specified in sub-paragraph (c) is not available, the manufacturer’s specifications provided that they are tested and certified by national or international certifiers.
Project participants have the option of using performance data from test results conducted by an independent entity for equipment installed under the project activity.
Fixed Crediting Period (All types)
See “crediting period – fixed”.
A Party not included in Annex I may host an A/R CDM project activity if it has selected and reported to the Executive Board through its designated national authority for the CDM:
(a) A single minimum tree crown cover value between 10 and 30 per cent; and
(b) A single minimum land area value between 0.05 and 1 hectare; and
(c) A single minimum tree height value between 2 and 5 metres.
The selected values referred above shall be fixed for all A/R CDM project activities registered prior to the end of the first commitment period.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Forest.
Host Party (All types)
A Party not included in Annex I to the Convention on whose territory the CDM project activity is physically located. A project activity located in several countries has several host Parties. At the time of registration, a Host Party shall meet the requirements for participation as defined in paragraphs 28 to 30 of the CDM modalities and procedures.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SSC A/R - Host Party.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to P-PoA, SSC-PoA, A/R-PoA, SSC A/R-PoA and P-CPA, SSC-CPA, A/R-CPA, SSC A/R-CPA -Host Party(ies)
Issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) (P - SSC)
Issuance of CERs refers to the instruction by the Executive Board to the CDM registry administrator to issue a specified quantity of CERs for a project activity into the pending account of the Executive Board in the CDM registry, in accordance with paragraph 66 and Appendix D of the CDM modalities and procedures.
Upon issuance of CERs, the CDM registry administrator shall, in accordance with paragraph 66 of CDM modalities and procedures, promptly forward the CERs to the registry accounts of project participants involved, in accordance with their request, having deducted the quantity of CERs corresponding to the share of proceeds to cover administrative expenses for the Executive Board and to assist in meeting costs of adaptation for developing countries vulnerable to adverse impacts of climate change , respectively, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 8, to the appropriate accounts in the CDM registry for the management of the share of proceeds.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs).
Issuance of temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs) or of long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) (A/R)
Issuance of lCERs or tCERs refers to the instruction by the Executive Board to the CDM registry administrator to issue a specified quantity of lCERs or tCERs for an A/R CDM project activity into the pending account of the Executive Board in the CDM registry, in accordance with paragraph 66 of the CDM modalities and procedures and sections J and K and appendix D of the A/R CDM modalities and procedures.
Upon issuance of tCERs or lCERs, the CDM registry administrator shall, in accordance with paragraph 66 of the CDM modalities and procedures, promptly forward the tCERs or lCERs to the holding accounts of project participants involved, in accordance with their request, having deducted the quantity of tCERs or lCERs corresponding to the share of proceeds to cover administrative expenses for the Executive Board and to assist in meeting costs of adaptation for developing countries vulnerable to adverse impacts of climate change , respectively, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 8, to the appropriate accounts in the CDM registry for the management of the share of proceeds.
Issuance of temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs) or of long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) (SSC A/R)
Issuance of lCERs or tCERs refers to the instruction by the Executive Board to the CDM registry administrator to issue a specified quantity of lCERs or tCERs for an A/R CDM project activity into the pending account of the Executive Board in the CDM registry, in accordance with paragraph 66 of the CDM modalities and procedures and sections J and K and appendix D of the A/R CDM modalities and procedures.
As per decision 14/CP.10 paragraph 1 (d) and 1 (e) the small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities under the clean development mechanism shall be:
(a) Exempt from the share of proceeds to be used to assist developing country Parties that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change to meet the costs of adaptation;
(b) Entitled to a reduced level of the non-reimbursable fee for requesting registration and a reduced rate of the share of proceeds to cover administrative expenses of the clean development mechanism.
Upon issuance of tCERs or lCERs, the CDM registry administrator shall, in accordance with paragraph 66 of the CDM modalities and procedures, promptly forward the tCERs or lCERs to the holding accounts of project participants involved, in accordance with their request, having deducted the quantity of tCERs or lCERs corresponding to the share of proceeds to cover administrative expenses for the Executive Board (keeping in view paragraph 'b' above) and to assist in meeting costs of adaptation for developing countries vulnerable to adverse impacts of climate change (keeping in view the paragraph 'a' above) , respectively, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 8, to the appropriate accounts in the CDM registry for the management of the share of proceeds.
Leakage (P)
Leakage is defined as the net change of anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) which occurs outside the project boundary , and which is measurable and attributable to the CDM project activity.
See “ leakage for SSC project activities”.
See “ leakage for A/R project activities”.
See “leakage for SSC A/R project activities”.
Leakage (SSC)
Leakage is defined as the net change of anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) which occurs outside the project boundary , and which is measurable and attributable to the CDM project activity. Reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources shall be adjusted for leakage in accordance with the provisions of Appendix B for the relevant project categories. The Executive Board shall consider simplification of the leakage calculation for any other project categories added to Appendix B. See “Appendix B”.
In the cases where leakage is to be considered, it shall be considered only within the boundaries of non-Annex I Parties.
Leakage for A/R project activities (A/R - SSC A/R)
Leakage is the increase in GHG emissions by sources which occurs outside the boundary of an A/R CDM project activity which is measurable and attributable to the A/R CDM project activity;
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Leakage for SSC A/R project activities.
Long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs) (A/R - SSC A/R)
A long-term certified emission reduction or lCER is a unit issued pursuant to Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol for an A/R CDM project activity , which expires at the end of the crediting period of the A/R CDM project activity under the CDM for which it was issued. It is equal to one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent.
Where project participants have chosen the lCER approach to address non-permanence, a request to the Executive Board has to be made for issuance of lCERs equal to the verified amount of net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks achieved by the A/R CDM project activity since the previous certification.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Long-term certified emission reductions (lCERs).
Measurable and attributable (All types)
In an operational context, the terms measurable and attributable in paragraph 51 (project boundary) of the CDM modalities and procedures should be read as “which can be measured” and “directly attributable”, respectively.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SSC A/R - Measurable and attributable.
Modalities of communication of project participants with the Executive Board (All types)
The modalities of communication between project participants and the Executive Board are indicated at the time of registration by submitting a statement signed by all project participants. All official communication from and to project participants, after a request for registration is submitted by a DOE, shall be handled in accordance with these modalities of communication. If these modalities have to be modified, the new statement shall be signed by all project participants and submitted in accordance with the modalities that are to be replaced.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SSC A/R - Modalities of communication of project participants with the Executive Board.
Monitoring of a CDM project activity (P - SSC)
Monitoring refers to the collection and archiving of all relevant data necessary for determining the baseline, measuring anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) within the project boundary of a CDM project activity and leakage, as applicable.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Monitoring of a CDM project activity.
Monitoring of an A/R CDM project activity (A/R - SSC A/R)
Monitoring refers to the collection and archiving of all relevant data necessary for estimating or measuring the net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks during the crediting period. For more information on the monitoring plan, please refer to paragraph 25 of the A/R CDM modalities and procedures.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Monitoring of a CDM project activity.
Monitoring methodology (P - A/R - SSC)
A monitoring methodology refers to the method used by project participants for the collection and archiving of all relevant data necessary for the implementation of the monitoring plan.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC and A/R - Monitoring methodology.
Monitoring methodology (SSC A/R)
A monitoring methodology refers to the method used by project participants for the collection and archiving of all relevant data necessary for the implementation of the monitoring plan. A “simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale afforestation and reforestation CDM project activities categories” is publicly available at the UNFCCC website ( Project participants may use the methodology for project categories, which fall under the applicability conditions of the methodology.
Monitoring methodology - approved (P - A/R)
A monitoring methodology approved by the Executive Board and made publicly available along with relevant guidance.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R - Monitoring methodology.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to P-CPA included in P-PoA and A/R CPA included in A/R-PoA- Monitoring methodology
Monitoring methodology for small-scale CDM project activities - approved (SSC)
A monitoring methodology approved by the Executive Board is included in the indicative list of simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories (contained in the Appendix B to the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities) and is publicly available along with relevant guidance on the UNFCCC CDM website ( or can be obtained through a request sent to cdm‑ or Fax: (49‑228) 815-1999.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC-CPA included in SSC-PoA- Monitoring methodology
Monitoring methodology - approved (SSC A/R)
See “Baseline and monitoring - simplified approved methodology”.
Monitoring methodology - new (P -A/R)
Project participants may propose a new monitoring methodology. In developing a monitoring methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate methodology bearing in mind good monitoring practice in relevant sectors. Project participants shall submit a proposal for a new methodology to a designated operational entity by forwarding a completed “ Proposed New Baseline and Monitoring methodologies ( CDM‑NM )” and the project design document (CDM-PDD) with sections A to C completed in order to demonstrate the application of the proposed new methodology to a proposed project activity.
A new proposed methodology will be treated as follows: If the designated operational entity determines that it is a new methodology, it will forward, without further analysis, the documentation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall expeditiously, if possible at its next meeting but not later than four months review the proposed methodology. Once approved by the Executive Board it shall make the approved methodology publicly available along with any relevant guidance and the designated operational entity may proceed with the validation of the project activity (applying the approved methodology) and submit the project design document for registration. In the event that the COP/MOP requests the revision of an approved methodology, no CDM project activity may use this methodology. The project participants shall revise the methodology, as appropriate, taking into consideration any guidance received.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R - Monitoring methodology new.
Monitoring methodology for small-scale CDM project activities - new (SSC)
In accordance with paragraphs 15 and 16 of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities, project participants may propose changes to the simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies or propose additional project categories for consideration by the Executive Board. Project participants who wish to submit a new small-scale project activity category or revisions to a methodology shall make a request in writing to be considered by the Executive Board through the working group to assist the Executive Board using a downloadable form ‘F-CDM-SSC-Subm’ (please refer to The Board may draw on expertise, as appropriate, in considering new project categories and/or revisions of and amendments to simplified methodologies. Once approved, the Executive Board shall amend the indicative list of simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies contained in Appendix B.
Monitoring methodology - new (SSC A/R)
See “Baseline and monitoring - new methodology”.
Monitoring plan (A/R - SSC A/R)
See “Monitoring of an A/R CDM project activity”.
See “Monitoring of an SSC A/R CDM project activity”.
Monitoring plan (PoA - All types)
Monitoring Plan shall include description of the proposed statistically sound sampling method/procedure to be used by DOEs for verification of the amount of reductions of anthropogenic emissions by sources or removals by sinks of greenhouse gases achieved by CPAs under the PoA. In case the coordinating/managing entity opts for a verification method that does not use sampling but verifies each CPA (whether in groups or not, with different or identical verification periods) a transparent system is to be defined and described that ensures that no double accounting occurs and that the status of verification can be determined anytime for each CPA.
Net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks (A/R - SSC A/R)
“Net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks” is the actual net GHG removals by sinks minus the baseline net GHG removals by sinks minus leakage.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks.
Operational and management arrangements (PoA - All types)
Operational and management arrangements established by the coordinating/managing entity for the implementation of the PoA, include a record keeping system for each CPA under the PoA, a system/procedure to avoid double accounting e.g. to avoid the case of including a new CPA that has been already registered either as CDM project activity or as a CPA of another PoA, the provisions to ensure that those operating the CPA are aware and have agreed that their activity is being subscribed to the PoA.
Operational lifetime of a project activity or CPA (All types)
It is defined as the period during which the project activity or CPA is in operation. No crediting period shall end after the end of the operational lifetime (calculated as from starting date).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SSC A/R - Operational lifetime of a project activity.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to P-CPA, SSC-CPA, A/R-CPA and SSC A/R-CPA - Operational lifetime of a CPA.
Other project activities (SSC)
See “Type III project activities”.
Overall monitoring plan (SSC)
If project activities are bundled, a separate monitoring plan shall apply for each of the constituent project activities in accordance with paragraphs 32 and 33 of the simplified modalities and procedures, or an overall monitoring plan shall apply for the bundled projects, as determined by the designated operational entity at validation to reflect good monitoring practice appropriate to the bundled project activities and to provide for collection and archiving of the data needed to calculate the emission reductions achieved by the bundled project activities (paragraph 34 of the simplified modalities and procedures).
Only projects within the same category and technology/measure can use an overall monitoring plan, as foreseen in paragraph 34 of the simplified modalities and procedures.
Party involved (All types)
A Party involved is a Party that provides a written approval.
See “Approval by Parties involved”.
Portfolio bundling (SSC)
Refers to bundle of project activities of different categories.
Programme of activities (PoA - All types)
A programme of activities is a voluntary coordinated action by a private or public entity which coordinates and implements any policy/measure or stated goal (i.e. incentive schemes and voluntary programmes), which leads to anthropogenic GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks that are additional to any that would occur in the absence of the PoA, via an unlimited number of CPAs
To be applied mutatis mutandis to P, A/R, SSC and SSC A/R Programme of activities.
Project activity (P - SSC)
A project activity is a measure, operation or an action that aims at reducing greenhouse gases ( GHG) emissions. The Kyoto Protocol and the CDM modalities and procedures use the term “project activity” as opposed to “project”. A project activity could, therefore, be identical with or a component or aspect of a project undertaken or planned.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Project activity.
Project activity (A/R)
See “A/R CDM Project activity”.
Project activity (SSC A/R)
See “SSC A/R CDM Project activity”.
Project activity with more than one component (SSC)
A single project activity composed of two or more distinct project activities being implemented by the same project participant, each applying an approved category/methodology separate from the other. Each component of a project activity should receive or provide an input from/to other components of the project activity.
Project boundary or boundary of CDM programme activity (P, P-CPA)
The project boundary shall encompass all anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) under the control of the project participants that are significant and reasonably attributable to the CDM project activity.
The Panel on methodologies (Meth Panel) shall develop specific proposals for consideration by the Executive Board on how to operationalize the terms “under the control of”, “significant” and “reasonably attributable”, as contained in paragraph 52 and appendix C, paragraphs (a) (iii) and (b) (vi) of the CDM modalities and procedures. Pending decisions by the Executive Board on these terms, project participants are invited to explain their interpretation of such terms when completing and submitting the CDM-NM.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to P-CPA- project boundary for CPA
Project boundary for small-scale CDM project activity or boundary of small-scale CDM programme activity (SSC, SSC-CPA)
The project boundary shall encompass significant anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases under the control of the project participants that are reasonably attributable to the small-scale CDM project activity, in accordance with provisions of Appendix B for the relevant project category.
See “Appendix B”.
The project boundary shall be limited to the physical project activity. Project activities that displace energy supplied by external sources shall earn certified emission reductions (CERs) for the emission reductions associated with the reduced supply of energy by those external sources.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC CPA-project boundary of small-scale CPA
Project boundary for A/R project activities or boundary of A/R CDM programme activity (A/R - SSC A/R, A/R CPA, SSC A/R CPA)
The “project boundary” geographically delineates the A/R CDM project activity under the control of the project participants. An A/R CDM project activity may contain more than one discrete areas of land. If an A/R CDM project activity contains more than one discrete area of land:
- Each discrete area of land should have a unique geographical identification;
- The boundary should be defined for each discrete area and should not include the areas in between these discrete areas of land.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R CPASSC A/R, SSC A/R CPA - Project boundary of SSC A/R, project activities or SSC A/R CPA.
Project participants (All types)
In accordance with the use of the term project participant in the CDM modalities and procedures, a project participant is (a) a Party involved, which has indicated to be a project participant, or (b) a private and/or public entity authorized by a Party involved to participate in a CDM project activity.
In accordance with Appendix D of the CDM modalities and procedures, the decision on the distribution of CERs from a CDM project activity shall exclusively be taken by project participants.
Project participants shall communicate with the Executive Board, through the secretariat, in writing in accordance with the “modalities of communication” as indicated at the time of registration or as subsequently altered (see “Modalities of communication ...” above).
If a project participant does not wish to be involved in taking decisions on the distribution of CERs, this shall be communicated to the Executive Board, through the secretariat, at the latest when the request regarding the distribution is made.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SSC A/R - Project participants.
See also “Approval by Parties involved”, “Party involved” and “Request for distribution of CERs”
Public funding (PoA - All types)
In case public funding is used for a PoA a confirmation that official development assistance is not being diverted to the implementation of the PoA shall be included in the PoA design document.
Reforestation (A/R - SSC)
“Reforestation” is the direct human-induced conversion of non-forested land to forested land through planting, seeding and/or the human-induced promotion of natural seed sources, on land that was forested but that has been converted to non-forested land. For the first commitment period, reforestation activities will be limited to reforestation occurring on those lands that did not contain forest on 31 December 1989.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Reforestation.
Registration (All types)
Registration is the formal acceptance by the Executive Board of a validated project activity as a CDM project activity. Registration is the prerequisite for the verification, certification and issuance of CERs related to that project activity.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SSC A/R - Registration.
Renewable Biomass (All types)
Biomass is “renewable” if one of the following five conditions applies:
1. The biomass is originating from land areas that are forests (forest definitions as established by the country in accordance with the decisions 11/CP.7 and 19/CP.9 should apply) where:
(a) The land area remains a forest; and
(b) Sustainable management practices are undertaken on these land areas to ensure, in particular, that the level of carbon stocks on these land areas does not systematically decrease over time (carbon stocks may temporarily decrease due to harvesting); and
(c) Any national or regional forestry and nature conservation regulations are complied with.
2. The biomass is woody biomass and originates from croplands and/or grasslands where:
(a) The land area remains cropland and/or grasslands or is reverted to forest; and
(b) Sustainable management practices are undertaken on these land areas to ensure in particular that the level of carbon stocks on these land areas does not systematically decrease over time (carbon stocks may temporarily decrease due to harvesting); and
(c) Any national or regional forestry, agriculture and nature conservation regulations are complied with.
3. The biomass is non-woody biomass and originates from croplands and/or grasslands where:
(a) The land area remains cropland and/or grasslands or is reverted to forest; and
(b) Sustainable management practices are undertaken on these land areas to ensure in particular that the level of carbon stocks on these land areas does not systematically decrease over time (carbon stocks may temporarily decrease due to harvesting); and
(c) Any national or regional forestry, agriculture and nature conservation regulations are complied with.
4. The biomass is a biomass residue and the use of that biomass residue in the project activity does not involve a decrease of carbon pools, in particular dead wood, litter or soil organic carbon, on the land areas where the biomass residues are originating from. For example, if bagasse from sugar production would in the absence of the CDM be dumped or left to decay and is used for energy generation under the CDM, it can be assumed that the use of the bagasse does not affect the sugar cane cultivation practices and hence the carbon pools of the respective soils. In contrast, where a CDM project involves the collection of dead wood from a forest, which would not be collected in the absence of the CDM, the extracted biomass cannot be regarded as renewable, since it would result in a decrease of carbon stocks.
5. The biomass is the non-fossil fraction of an industrial or municipal waste.
Otherwise, where none of these conditions applies, the biomass is considered as “non-renewable”.
Renewable crediting period (All types)
See “Crediting period - renewable”
Renewable energy project activities (SSC)
See “Type I project activities”.
Retrofit (SSC)
To modify existing industrial, commercial and residential facilities, automobiles, energy conversion systems etc., which are already in service using new, improved or more efficient parts and equipment developed or made available after the time of original manufacture or installation of the facility. The retrofit should also be consistent with the current guidance by the Board on the lifetime of plants and equipment.
Request for distribution of CERs (P - SSC)
The request regarding the distribution of CERs can only be changed if all signatories of the previous instruction have agreed to the change and signed the appropriate document.
A change of project participants shall immediately be communicated to the Executive Board through the secretariat in accordance with the modalities of communication. The indication of change shall be signed by all project participants of the previous communication and by all new and remaining project participants. Each new project participant needs authorization, as required.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Request for distribution of CERs.
Request for distribution of lCERs or of tCERs (A/R - SSC A/R)
The request regarding the distribution of lCERs or of tCERs can only be changed if all signatories of the previous instruction have agreed to the change and signed the appropriate document.
A change of project participants shall immediately be communicated to the Executive Board through the secretariat. The indication of change shall be signed by all project participants of the previous communication and by all new and remaining project participants. Each new project participant needs authorization, as required.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Request for distribution of lCERs or of tCERs.
Same technology / measure (SSC)
(a) Two different project activities will be considered to be applying the same technology if they provide the same kind of output and use the same kind of equipment and conversion process.
(b) Two different project activities will be considered to be using the same measure if they constitute the same course of action and result in the same kind of effect (e.g. two projects using the same management practice such as fuel switch).
Small-scale CDM project activities (SSC)
See “Types of small-scale CDM project activities”.
Small-scale A/R CDM Project activity (SSC A/R)
A small scale A/R CDM project activity is an afforestation or reforestation measure, operation or action that aims at achieving net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks of less than 8 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide per year if the average projected net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks for each verification period do not exceed 8 kilotonnes of carbondioxide per year and are developed or implemented by low income communities and individuals as determined by the host Party.
If a small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activity under the clean development mechanism results in net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks greater than 8 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year, the excess removals will not be eligible for the issuance of temporary certified emission reductions or long-term certified emission reductions;
The Kyoto Protocol and the CDM modalities and procedures use the term “project activity” as opposed to “project”. A small scale A/R CDM project activity could, therefore, be identical with or a component or aspect of a project undertaken or planned.
Small-scale CDM project activity categories (SSC)
Appendix B of the simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM project activities includes simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories. The project participants may propose new categories for inclusion in Appendix B if their project activity is not covered by existing categories.
See “Baseline for small-scale CDM project activities - new methodology”.
Stakeholders (All types)
Stakeholders mean the public, including individuals, groups or communities affected, or likely to be affected, by the proposed CDM project activity or actions leading to the implementation of such an activity.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC, A/R and SSC A/R – Stakeholders and to P-PoA, SSC-PoA, A/R-PoA, SSC A/R-PoA) and P-CPA, SSC-CPA, A/R-CPA, SSC A/R-CPA – Stakeholders’.
Starting date of a CDM programme activity (CPA - All types)
The starting date of a CDM programme activity is the earliest date at which either the implementation or construction or real action of a programme activity begins. The starting date of the CPA cannot be prior to the commencement of validation of the programme of activities, i.e. the date on which the CDM-POA-DD is first published for global stakeholder consultation.5
To be applied mutatis mutandis to P-CPA, SSC-CPA, A/R-CPA, SSC A/R-CPA – Starting date of a CDM programme activity.
Starting date of a CDM project activity (P - SSC)
The starting date of a CDM project activity is the earliest date at which either the implementation or construction or real action of a project activity begins. Project activities starting between 1 January 2000 and the date of the registration of a first clean development mechanism project have to provide documentation, at the time of registration, showing that the starting date fell within this period, if the project activity is submitted for registration before 31 December 2005.
In light of the above definition, the start date shall be considered to be the date on which the project participant has committed to expenditures related to the implementation or related to the construction of the project activity. This, for example, can be the date on which contracts have been signed for equipment or construction/operation services required for the project activity. Minor pre-project expenses, e.g. the contracting of services /payment of fees for feasibility studies or preliminary surveys, should not be considered in the determination of the start date as they do not necessarily indicate the commencement of implementation of the project. For those project activities which do not require construction or significant pre-project implementation (e.g. light bulb replacement) the start date is to be considered the date when real action occurs. In the context of the above definition, pre-project planning is not considered “real action”.
The Board further noted that there may be circumstances in which an investment decision is taken and the project activity implementation is subsequently ceased. If such project activities are restarted due to consideration of the benefits of the CDM the cessation of project implementation must be demonstrated by means of credible evidence such as cancellation of contracts or revocation of government permits. Any investment analysis used to demonstrate additionality shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 7 of the “Guidance on the assessment of investment analysis” (version 02).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Starting date of a CDM project activity.
Starting date of an A/R CDM project activity (A/R)
A CDM afforestation and reforestation project activity starting after 1 January 2000 can also be validated and registered after 31 December 2005 as long as the first verification of the project activity occurs after the date of registration of this project activity. Given that the crediting period starts at the same date as the starting date of the project activity, the projects starting 2000 onwards can accrue tCERs/lCERs as of the starting date. This clarification was provided by the Board in paragraph 64, of its twenty-first meeting report and stipulates that provisions of paragraphs 12 and 13 of decision 17/CP.7 do not apply to CDM afforestation and reforestation project activities.
Starting date of an SSC A/R CDM project activity (SSC A/R)
The starting date of an SSC A/R CDM project activity is the date at which the implementation or real action of an SSC A/R CDM project activity begins, resulting in actual net GHG removals by sinks. A CDM afforestation and reforestation project activity starting after 1 January 2000 can also be validated and registered after 31 December 2005 as long as the first verification of the project activity occurs after the date of registration of this project activity. Given that the crediting period starts at the same date as the starting date of the project activity, the projects starting 2000 onwards can accrue tCERs/lCERs as of the starting date. This clarification was provided by the Board in paragraph 64, of its twenty-first meeting report and stipulates that provisions of paragraphs 12 and 13 of decision 17/CP.7 do not apply to CDM afforestation and reforestation project activities.
Sub bundle (SSC)
An aggregation of project activities within a bundle having the characteristics that all project activities within a sub-bundle belong to the same type.
See “Bundle”.
Temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs) (A/R - SSC A/R)
A temporary certified emission reduction or tCER is a unit issued pursuant to Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol for an A/R CDM project activity under the CDM, which expires at the end of the commitment period following the one during which it was issued. It is equal to one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent.
Where project participants have chosen to issue tCERs to address non-permanence, a request to the Executive Board has to be made for issuance of tCERs equal to the verified amount of net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks achieved by the A/R CDM project activity under the CDM since the start of the A/R CDM project activity.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Temporary certified emission reductions (tCERs)
Transparent and conservative (P - SSC)
Establishing a baseline in a transparent and conservative manner (paragraph 45 (b) of the CDM modalities and procedures) means that assumptions are made explicitly and choices are substantiated. In case of uncertainty regarding values of variables and parameters, the establishment of a baseline is considered conservative if the resulting projection of the baseline does not lead to an overestimation of emission reductions attributable to a CDM project activity (that is, in the case of doubt, values that generate a lower baseline projection shall be used).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Transparent and conservative
Transparent and conservative (A/R - SSC A/R)
Establishing a baseline in a transparent and conservative manner (paragraph 20 (b) of the CDM A/R modalities and procedures) means that assumptions are made explicitly and choices are substantiated. In case of uncertainty regarding values of variables and parameters, the establishment of a baseline is considered conservative if the resulting projection of the baseline does not lead to an overestimation of net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks attributable to an A/R CDM project activity (that is, in the case of doubt, values that generate a higher baseline net GHG removals by sinks shall be used).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC A/R - Transparent and conservative
Types of small-scale CDM project activities (SSC)
In accordance with decision 17/CP.7 (contained in document FCCC/CP/2001/13/Add.2), paragraph 6 (c), simplified modalities and procedures have been developed for the following types of small-scale CDM project actives the revised definitions of which is provided in paragraph 28 of decision -/CMP.26:
Type I: Renewable energy project activities with a maximum output capacity equivalent to up to 15 megawatts (or an appropriate equivalent);
Type II: Energy efficiency improvement project activities which reduce energy consumption, on the supply and/or demand side, limited to those with a maximum output of 60 GWh per year (or an appropriate equivalent);
Type III: Other project activities limited to those that result in emission reductions of less than or equal to 60 kt CO2 equivalent annually;
The simplified modalities and procedures for small-scale project activities are available in annex II to decision 4/CMP.1 contained in document FCCC/KP/CMP/2005/8/Add.1.
The three types of project activities outlined in decision 17/CP.7, paragraph 6 (c), are mutually exclusive.
Small-scale CDM project activities shall remain under the limits for small-scale CDM project activities types, as stipulated in paragraph 28 of decision -/CMP.2, every year during each year of the crediting period.
If a project activity goes beyond the limit of its type in any year of the crediting period, the emission reductions that can be claimed by the project during this particular year will be capped at the maximum emission reduction level estimated in the CDM-SSC-PDD by the project participants for that year during the crediting period.
Project participants shall demonstrate in the CDM-SSC-PDD that the project activity characteristics are defined in a way that precludes project activities to go beyond the limits:
(a) For type I: project participants shall demonstrate that the installed capacity of the proposed project activity will not increase beyond 15 MW;
(b) For type II: project participants shall demonstrate that the efficiency improvements are below the equivalent of 60 GWh per year every year throughout the crediting period;
(c) For type III: project participants shall provide an estimation of emission reductions of the project activity over the crediting period and demonstrate that the emission reductions every year will not go beyond the limits of 60 ktCO2e over the entire crediting period.
Project activities using a renewable crediting period shall reassess their compliance with the limits at the time when they request renewal of the crediting period.
Type I project activities (SSC)
Renewable energy project activities with a maximum output capacity equivalent to up to 15 megawatts (or an appropriate equivalent) (decision 17/CP.7, paragraph 6 (c) (i)), where:
- Maximum “output” is defined as installed/rated capacity, as indicated by the manufacturer of the equipment or plant, disregarding the actual load factor of the plant;
- “Appropriate equivalent” of 15 megawatts: As MW(e) is the most common denomination, and MW(th) only refers to the production of heat which can also be derived from MW(e), the Board agreed to define MW as MW(e) and otherwise to apply an appropriate conversion factor.
Type II project activities (SSC)
Energy efficiency improvement project activities which reduce energy consumption, on the supply and/or demand side, limited to those with a maximum output of 60 GWh per year (or an appropriate equivalent) (decision -/CMP.2, paragraph 28 (b)) where:
- Demand side, as well as supply side, projects shall be taken into consideration, provided that a project activity results in a reduction of maximum 60 gigawatt hours (GWh). A total saving of 60 GWh is equivalent to 4000 hours of operation of a 15 MW plant or 60*3.6 TJ = 216 TJ, where TJ stands for terajoules.
Type III project activities (SSC)
Are other project activities limited to those that result in emission reductions of less than or equal to 60 kt CO2 equivalent annually (decision -/CMP.2, paragraph 28 (b).
Validation (P - A/R)
Validation is the process of independent evaluation of a project activity by a designated operational entity against the requirements of the CDM as set out in decision 3/CMP.1 its annex and relevant decisions of the COP/MOP, on the basis of the project design document (CDM‑PDD).
To be applied mutatis mutandis to A/R - Validation.
Validation (SSC -SSC A/R)
Validation is the process of independent evaluation of a proposed SSC / SSC A/R CDM project activity under the CDM by a designated operational entity (DOE) against the requirements of small-scale / small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM as set out in decision 3/CMP.1, 4/CMP.1, 5/CMP.1 and 6/CMP.1, its annex and relevant decisions of the COP/MOP, on the basis of the project design document. A single designated operational entity (DOE) may perform validation as well as verification and certification for a small-scale / small-scale afforestation or reforestation project activity under the CDM or for bundled small-scale / small-scale afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC and SSCA/R - Validation.
Verification (P - SSC)
Verification is the periodic independent review and ex post determination by a designated operational entity of monitored reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) that have occurred as a result of a registered CDM project activity during the verification period. There is no prescribed length of the verification period. It shall, however, not be longer than the crediting period.
To be applied mutatis mutandis to SSC - Verification.
Verification (A/R -SSC A/R)
is the periodic independent review and ex post determination by the DOE of the
net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks achieved, since the start of the
project, by an A/R CDM project activity under the CDM. Certification is the written assurance by a
DOE that an A/R CDM project activity under the CDM achieved the net
anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks since the start of the project, as
- - - - -
History of the Document
Version |
Date |
Nature of Revision |
05 |
19 August 2009 |
Glossary has been updated to include terms relevant to programme of activities as mandated in EB 47 meeting report, paragraph 71. |
04 |
EB 41, paragraph 67, 02 August 2008 |
Definition of “Starting date of a CDM project activity (P - SSC)” has been modified in order to include clarification of the Board. |
03 |
EB 36, Annex 32, 30 November 2007 |
Glossary has been updated to include terms relevant to large and small scale non-A/R, A/R programme of activities. |
02 |
EB 33, paragraph 76, 03 August 2007 |
Definition of “Starting date of a CDM project activity (P - SSC)” has been modified in order to include clarification of the Board. |
01 |
18 December 2006 |
Glossary of CDM terms has been separated from the respective guidelines for completing the CDM-PDDs to become a stand-alone document applicable to all type of project activities. |
Decision Class:
Operational |
1 For more information on the definition for each carbon pool, you may refer to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry, table 3.2.1 on page 3.15. See
2 In this glossary, the term “Party” is used as defined in the Kyoto Protocol: “Party” means, unless the context otherwise indicates, a Party to the Protocol. “Party included in Annex I”(also Annex I Party) means a Party included in Annex I to the Convention, as may be amended, or a Party which has made a notification under Article 4, paragraph 2(g), of the Convention, and which has ratified the Protocol.
3 Only those PoAs need to be considered in determining de-bundling that are: (i) in the same geographical area;and (ii) use the same methodology; as the PoA to which proposed CPA is being added.
4 Which may be a (i) registered small-scale CPA of a PoA, (ii) an application to register another small-scale CPA of a PoA or (iii) another registered CDM project activity.
5 Paragraph 72 of the report of EB47 provides for a limited derogation from this requirement for certain programmes of activities.
6 “Further guidance relating to the clean development mechanism”