Call for Public Input - AM0016

The Board considered the recommendation from the Meth Panel and requested it to continue the review of AM0016 in light of the observations by the Board members for the purpose of consolidation. The Board specifically requested the Meth Panel to revise this approved methodology to include the monitoring of flares, for consideration at its twenty-fifth meeting. The Board also requested the Meth Panel to analyze the impact of revisions on the estimated emissions reductions. The Board requested the secretariat to use the services of an expert to assist the Meth Panel in its consideration of this methodology (AM0016). The Board also agreed to open a call for inputs on this methodology starting 19 May 2006 and ending on 16 June 2006 @ 17:00 GMT.

Public comments submitted to the UNFCCC secretariat can be found in the table below.

(Inputs are listed in order of receipt)
Submission Date Submission
16 June 2006 at 15:00 GMT+2 Tobias Koch (122 KB)
16 June 2006 at 15:27 GMT+2 Leo Perkowski (24 KB)
16 June 2006 at 16:48 GMT+2 International Emission Trading Association (175 KB)