Call for inputs requesting non-binding best practice examples on the demonstration of additionality to assist the development of PDDs, in particular for SSC project activities

The Executive Board, at its thirty-second meeting (EB32), having taken note of the guidance in paragraph 15(a) of decision 1/CMP.2 to provide non-binding best practice examples on the demonstration of additionality to assist the development of project design documents, in particular for small-scale project activities at its twenty eighth meeting, further agreed to launch a call for public inputs starting 25 June and ending 31 July 2007 17h00 GMT, requesting non-binding best practice examples on the demonstration of additionality to assist the development of project design documents, in particular for small-scale project activities. The submissions shall be considered at the twelfth meeting of the SSCWG, who shall make a recommendation to the Board at its thirty-fifth meeting.

Public comments received can be found in the table below.

Submission Date Submission
30 June 2007 at 14:12 GMT+2 Tim Kelly (131 KB)
20 July 2007 at 20:21 GMT+2 Anne Arquit Niederberger (49 KB)
29 July 2007 at 12:39 GMT+2 Kanwal Jit Singh (70 KB)
31 July 2007 at 12:15 GMT+2 perumal.a.k (114 KB)
31 July 2007 at 15:36 GMT+2 Cathrine Sachweh - IETA (115 KB)
31 July 2007 at 16:15 GMT+2 Kirsty Clough (772 KB)
31 July 2007 at 16:35 GMT+2 Rama Chandra Reddy/The World Bank (66 KB)
31 July 2007 at 17:06 GMT+2 EcoSecurities (245 KB)