Call for input on simplification and streamlining of the CDM (26 February to 26 March 2015, 24:00 GMT)


The CDM Executive Board, at its eighty-second meeting, considered the concept note on the simplification of the project submission, registration and issuance processes and further opportunities for streamlining of the CDM and agreed to the proposal. The aim of the work is to simplify and streamline the CDM, while maintaining or improving environmental integrity, in order that transactions costs incurred through participation in the CDM are reduced, the cost efficiency in the regulation of the CDM is increased, the uptake of the CDM is increased and preserved over the long term, and the use of the CDM infrastructure in other fields is increased, in particular for results-based finance.

The Board confirmed that a holistic approach, with a priority on the project cycle, is needed in this work and requested the secretariat to launch a call for public input after this meeting on issues in the regulations and operation of the CDM that need to be addressed. It requested the secretariat to prepare a concept note, for consideration by the Board at its eighty-fourth meeting, proposing issues to be addressed and ideas for possible changes.

Based on this, stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs on CDM rules and operation by using the comment sheet, indicating, for each input:

  • Area (Choose from: registration; general; issuance; post-registration changes; renewal of crediting period; other project cycle steps; methodology development; methodology revision; methodology clarification; accreditation; other specific process.)
  • Issue (Description of an issue concerning a specific CDM rule or operation that you consider results in unnecessarily high burdens or transaction costs on stakeholders, together with a description of the observed burdens or costs and their implications.)
  • Proposed change (Description of an idea for simplification/streamlining of a particular CDM rule or operation and expected implications on the efficiency and integrity of the CDM.)

Comment Sheet

The call was open from 26 February to 26 March 2015, 24:00 GMT.

Submission Date Submission
14 March 2015 at 15:30 GMT+1 Havard Norstebo (137 KB)
19 March 2015 at 12:42 GMT+1 Richard Iliffe (108 KB)
24 March 2015 at 14:13 GMT+1 Alexandre Dunod (134 KB)
24 March 2015 at 15:48 GMT+1 Guilhem Pouillevet (117 KB)
25 March 2015 at 10:34 GMT+1 Moctar DIAW (107 KB)
25 March 2015 at 14:56 GMT+1 World Bank Group (398 KB)
25 March 2015 at 18:13 GMT+1 TCHAPOYA Arlette (120 KB)
26 March 2015 at 16:35 GMT+1 Faith Temba (128 KB)
26 March 2015 at 17:00 GMT+1 African DNA Group submission (178 KB)
26 March 2015 at 19:12 GMT+1 Gareth Phillips (191 KB)
26 March 2015 at 22:03 GMT+1 Stephan Hoch (46 KB)
26 March 2015 at 23:25 GMT+1 Thomas Grammig (96 KB)