Call for public inputs on draft procedure for development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines 3 June 2013 to 16 June 2013 (24:00 GMT)

The CDM Executive Board, at its seventy-third meeting (EB73, paragraph 67), agreed to launch a call for public inputs on the draft "Procedure: development, revision, clarification and update of standardized baselines".

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide their input on the draft procedure using the comment sheet, and kindly requested to submit a Word version of the comment sheet.

You are also invited to respond to the following questions on the draft procedure. Use the above referred comment sheet in responding to these questions.

  • Are the concepts and definitions of standardized baseline with methodology (SBM) and standardized baseline without methodology (SB) clear?
  • Is it beneficial to have both the concepts SBM and SB or should it be limited to SB only?
  • What is your opinion on the clarity and user friendliness of the draft procedure?
Sentences highlighted in yellow color in the draft procedure indicate changes (i.e. addition, revision or deletion) to the existing procedure "Procedure for submission and consideration of standardized baselines (Version 02.0)". The draft procedure will supersede the existing procedure "Procedure for submission and consideration of standardized baselines (Version 02.0)" on the date when it comes into force.

The inputs from this call will be considered in the preparation of a further draft for the consideration by the Board at its seventy-fourth meeting.

Submission Date Submission
16 June 2013 at 09:10 GMT+2 Ambachew F. Admassie (175 KB)