
Completing the monitoring report form

Version 04.0

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                          Page

1....... Introduction.. ................................................................................. 2

1.1.... Background. ................................................................................ 2

1.2.... Objectives. .................................................................................. 2

2....... Scope and applicability. ............................................................ 2

3....... Terms and definitions. ................................................................ 2

4....... General guidelines. ..................................................................... 2

5....... Specific guidelines. ...................................................................... 2

SECTION A. Description of project activity. .......................................... 2

SECTION B. Implementation of project activity. .................................... 2

SECTION C. Description of monitoring system.. ................................... 2

SECTION D. Data and parameters. ....................................................... 2

SECTION E. Calculation of emission reductions or GHG removals by sinks 2

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

1. The Executive Board of the clean development mechanism (CDM) (hereinafter referred to as the Board) adopted at its sixty-fif th meeting the “Clean development mechanism project standard” (hereinafter referred to as the Project standard) along with other regulatory documents as deliverables of objective 3(b) (“Clarification, consolidation and enhancement of the consistencies of all the existing regulatory decisions of the board that relate to validation and verification of project activities”) of the “CDM management plan 2011”.

2. The Project standard contains requirements for project participants to comply with in designing as well as in implementing any type of CDM project activities and programme of activities (PoAs) and monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions by sources or GHG removals by sinks.

3. The Project standard requires project participants to prepare a monitoring report for verification and certification of GHG emission reductions or net GHG removals by sinks of the implemented registered CDM project activity (hereinafter referred to as the project activity) by completing a monitoring report form and providing all necessary information and documentation to demonstrate compliance of the project activity with all applicable CDM rules and requirements.

1.2. Objectives

4. The objectives of the “Guideline: Completing the monitoring report form” (hereinafter referred to as this guideline) are to:

(a) Assist project participants in completing the “M onitoring report form” ( F-CDM-MR) for their project activities;

(b) Improve the quality and consistency of monitoring reports prepared by project participants and submitted in the CDM project cycle.

2. Scope and applicability

5. This guideline and the F-CDM-MR are applicable to all types of CDM project activities. Coordinating/managing entities may apply this guideline and the F-CDM-MR mutatis mutandis to all types of programme of activities.

6. This guideline contains recommendations for project participants on how to complete the F-CDM-MR .

3. Terms and definitions

7. In addition to the definitions contained in the “Glossary of CDM terms”, the following terms are used in this guideline:

(a) “Should” is used to indicate that among several possibilities, one course of action is recommended as particularly suitable;

(b) “May” is used to indicate what is permitted.

4. General guidelines

8. When monitoring the project activity and completing the F-CDM-MR , and in addition to following the Project standard and the applied approved baseline and monitoring methodology (ies) (hereinafter referred to as the applied methodology(ies)) , project participants should also consult the “Rules and References” section o f the UNFCCC CDM website <>, which contains all regulatory documents for the CDM, such as standards (including methodologies and tools) , procedures, guidelines, clarifications , forms and the “Glossary of CDM terms”.

9. Any data, values and formulae included in electronic spreadsheets provided must be accessible and verifiable.

10. The F-CDM-MR must be completed in English, and all attached documents must be in English or contain a full translation of relevant sections into English .

11. The F-CDM-MR must be complete d using the same format without modifying its font, document headings, logos , and without any other alteration to the form.

12. Tables and their columns in the F-CDM-MR may not be modified or deleted, but rows may be added as needed. Additional appendices may be added.

13. If a section of the F-CDM-MR is not applicable, it must be explicitly stated that the section is left blank i ntentionally.

14. The format used for presentation of values in the F-CDM-MR should be in an internationally recognized format, for example digit grouping should be done in thousands and a decimal point should be marked with a dot (.), not with a comma (,).

5. Specific guidelines

Indicate on the cover page the following information:

(a) Title of the project activity;

(b) Reference number of the project activity;

(c) Version number of the monitoring report;

(d) Completion date of the monitoring report (DD/MM/YYYY);

(e) Registration date of the project activity (DD/MM/YYYY);

(f) Monitoring period number and duration of this monitoring period (first and last days included (DD/MM/YYYY – DD/MM/YYYY));

(g) Project participant(s);

(h) Host Party(ies);

(i) Sectoral scope(s) and applied methodology(ies);

(j) Estimated amount of GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks for this monitoring period in the registered PDD;

(k) Actual GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks achieved in this monitoring period;

(l) Actual GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks achieved during the period up to 31 December 2012(if applicable).

(m) Actual GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks achieved during the period from 1 January 2013 onwards (if applicable).

SECTION A. Description of project activity

A.1. Purpose and general description of project activity

Provide a brief summary of the detailed description given in section B.1 below in terms of:

(a) Purpose of the project activity and the measures taken for GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks;

(b) Brief description of the installed technology and equipment;

(c) Relevant dates for the project activity (e.g. construction, commissioning, continued operation periods, etc.);

(d) Total GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks achieved in this monitoring period.

A.2. Location of project activity

Provide the following information on the location of the project activity:

(a) Host Party(ies);

(b) Region/ State/ Province, etc.;

(c) City/ Town/ Community, etc.;

(d) Physical/ Geographical location.

A.3. Parties and project participant(s)

List in the table below Party(ies) and project participant(s) involved in the project activity.

Party involved

((host) indicates
a host Party

Private and/or public entity(ies) project participants
(as applicable)

Indicate if the Party involved wishes to be considered as project participant

Party A (host)

Private entity A

Public entity A


Party B

Private entity B

Public entity B



A.4. Reference of applied methodology

Indicate the exact reference (number, title, version) of:

(a) The applied methodology(ies) (e.g. ACM0001 "Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities" (Version 11.0));

(b) Any tools and other methodologies to which the applied methodology(ies) refers (e.g. "Tool for demonstration and assessment of additionality" (Version 05.2.1)).

Refer to the UNFCCC CDM website for the exact reference of the applied methodologies and tools.

A.5. Crediting period of project activity

Provide the type, start date and length of the crediting period corresponding to this monitoring period.

SECTION B. Implementation of project activity

B.1.     Description of implemented registered project activity

Provide information on the implementation status of the project activity during this monitoring period in accordance with the applicable provision for description of implemented registered CDM project activity in the Project standard.

For the description of the installed technology(ies), technical process and equipment, include diagrams, where appropriate.

In the case of a PoA, also provide information on whether a single monitoring report or two monitoring reports are prepared for the monitoring period. When the request for issuance for a monitoring period is to be submitted in two batches, provide separate monitoring reports corresponding to each of the batches, including information on whether the monitoring report covers the first batch or the second batch, and provide the reference numbers of CPAs that are included and not included separately.

Note: If applicable, present information on any request for prior approval by the Board of changes to the registered CDM project activity in B.2.1, B.2.2, B.2.3, B.2.4 and/or B.2.5.

B.2.     Post registration changes

B.2.1.  Temporary deviations from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology

Indicate whether any temporary deviations have been applied during this monitoring period. If applied, provide a description of the deviation(s) in accordance with applicable provisions for temporary deviations from the registered monitoring plan or applied methodologies in the Project standard.

This should include the reasons for the deviation(s), how it deviates from the monitoring plan and/or applied methodology(ies), the duration for which the deviation(s) is(are) applicable and justification on the conservativeness of the approach.

For deviation(s) that require prior approval by the Board, include the date of approval and reference number.

B.2.2.  Corrections

Indicate whether any corrections to project information or parameters fixed at validation have been approved during this monitoring period or submitted with this monitoring report.

In cases where the correction(s) and the revised PDD are approved prior to the submission of this monitoring report for request for issuance, provide the approval date and reference number. Otherwise, provide the version number and the completion date of the revised PDD.

B.2.3.  Permanent changes from registered monitoring plan or applied methodology

Indicate whether any permanent changes from the registered monitoring plan or applied methodologies have been approved during this monitoring period or submitted with this monitoring report.

In cases where the change(s) and the revised PDD are approved prior to the submission of this monitoring report for request for issuance, provide the approval date and reference number. Otherwise, provide the version number and the completion date of the revised PDD.

B.2.4.  Changes to project design of registered project activity

Indicate whether any changes to the project design of the project activity have been approved during this monitoring period or submitted with this monitoring report.

In cases where the change(s) and the revised PDD are approved prior to the submission of this monitoring report for request for issuance, provide the approval date and reference number. Otherwise, provide the version number and the completion date of the revised PDD.

B.2.5.  Changes to start date of crediting period

Indicate whether any changes to the start date of the crediting period have been approved during this monitoring period or submitted with this monitoring report.

In cases where the changes and the revised PDD are approved prior to the submission of this monitoring report for request for issuance, provide the approval date and reference number.

B.2.6.  Types of changes specific to afforestation or reforestation project activity

Indicate whether any changes specific to afforestation or reforestation project activities have been applied during this monitoring period based on applicable provisions in the Project standard that do not require prior approval by the Board. If changes were applied, provide the version number and the completion date of the revised PDD.

SECTION C. Description of monitoring system

Provide a description of the monitoring system based on the applicable provision for description of monitoring system in the Project standard. Include diagrams of the monitoring system and the information flow where appropriate.

SECTION D. Data and parameters

Provide information on all data and parameters in accordance with applicable provisions for data and parameters in the Project standard, using the tables provided in D.1 and D.2 below.

For “Purpose of data” in the tables in D.1 and D.2, choose one of the following options:

(a) Calculation of baseline emissions or baseline net GHG removals by sinks;

(b) Calculation of project emissions or actual net GHG removals by sinks;

(c) Calculation of leakage.

D.1. Data and parameters fixed ex ante or at renewal of crediting period

Data that are fixed before registration and/or at the renewal of crediting period and are used during this monitoring period should be included here under section D.1.

For “Value(s) applied”, use one table to report multiple values referring to the same data and parameter, if applicable. Reference(s) to electronic spreadsheets may be used, if necessary.

(Copy this table for each piece of data and parameter.)

Data / Parameter:





Source of data:


Value(s) applied):


Purpose of data:


Additional comment:


D.2. Data and parameters monitored

For “Monitoring equipment” in the table below, provide information on type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration and validity.

For “Value(s) of monitored parameter”, use one table to report multiple values referring to the same data and parameter, if applicable. Reference(s) to electronic spreadsheets may be used, if necessary.

(Copy this table for each piece of data and parameter.)

Data / Parameter:





Calculated /


Source of data:


Value(s) of monitored parameter:


Monitoring equipment:



Recording frequency:


Calculation method
(if applicable):


QA/QC procedures:


Purpose of data:


Additional comment:


D.3. Implementation of sampling plan

If data and parameters monitored described in section D.2 above are determined by a sampling approach, provide a description on how project participants implemented the sampling efforts and surveys for those data and parameters according to the sampling plan. Include:

(a) Description of implemented sampling design;

(b) Collected data (electronic spreadsheets may be attached and referenced);

(c) Analysis of the collected data;

(d) Demonstration on whether the required confidence/precision has been met.

SECTION E. Calculation of emission reductions or GHG removals by sinks

E.1. Calculation of baseline emissions or baseline net GHG removals by sinks

Provide sample calculations for all formulae used and calculation of baseline emissions or baseline net GHG removals by sinks, applying actual values. Attach electronic spreadsheets to present full calculations in the monitoring report.

E.2. Calculation of project emissions or actual net GHG removals by sinks

Provide sample calculations for all formulae used and calculation of project emissions or actual net GHG removals by sinks, applying actual values. Attach electronic spreadsheets to present full calculations in the monitoring report.

E.3. Calculation of leakage

Provide sample calculations for all formulae used and calculation of leakage, applying actual values. Attach electronic spreadsheets to present full calculations in the monitoring report.

E.4. Summary of calculation of emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks

Summarize the results of sections E.1, E.2, E.3 above and provide GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks for this monitoring period, using the table below.



Baseline emissions or baseline net GHG removals by sinks
(t CO2e)

Project emissions or actual net GHG removals by sinks
(t CO2e)

(t CO2e)

Emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks
(t CO2e)






E.5. Comparison of actual emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks with estimates in registered PDD

Provide a comparison of actual GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removal of the project activity achieved during this monitoring period with the estimates in the registered PDD.



Values estimated in ex-ante calculation of registered PDD

Actual values achieved during this monitoring period


Values estimated in ex-ante calculation of registered PDD

Emission reductions or GHG removals by sinks (t CO2e)





E.6. Remarks on difference from estimated value in registered PDD

Explain the cause of any increase in the actual GHG emission reductions achieved during this monitoring period based on the applicable provision for calculation of GHG emission reductions in the Project standard.

E.7. Actual emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks during the first commitment period and the period from 1 January 2013 onwards

If the monitoring period starts before 31 December 2012 and ends anytime thereafter, provide actual GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks achieved for the following two periods respectively:

(a) Up to 31 December 2012 (1st commitment period); and

(b) From 1 January 2013 onwards.

The achieved GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks should be calculated proportionally for each period. In cases where annual caps were applied in the calculations, the annual caps should be pro-rated to each period.


Actual values achieved up to 31 December 2012

Actual values achieved from 1 January 2013 onwards

Emission reductions or GHG removals by sinks (t CO2e)



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Document information






4 October 2013

EB 75, Annex 7

Revision required to provide information on whether a single monitoring report or two monitoring reports are prepared for the monitoring period.


6 December 2012

Corrections to cross-references within this document.


3 December 2012

Editorial amendment to correct form symbol reference.


23 November 2012

EB 70, Annex 11

Revision required to introduce a provision on reporting actual emission reductions or net anthropogenic GHG removals by sinks for the period up to 31 December 2012 and the period from 1 January 2013 onwards.


2 March 2012

EB 66, Annex 20

Revision required to ensure consistency with the CDM Project Standard and Validation and Verification Standard as referenced in Appendix 1, Implementation plan for the CDM Project Standard, Validation and Verification Standard and Project Cycle Procedure (EB 65 report, annex 6, appendix 1).


28 May 2010

EB 54, Annex 34

Initial adoption.

Decision Class: Regulatory
Document Type: Guideline
Business Function: Issuance
Keywords: monitoring report, performance monitoring, F-CDM-MR