Finalized requests for deviation

In accordance with the current Procedures for requests for deviation a Designated Operation Entity may submit request for deviation regarding a project activity at the validation or verification stage.

Requests for deviation by DOEs and the responses provided by the Board are being made publicly available on this page, unless otherwise decided. The requests for deviations from the monitoring plan have the following code "I-DEV0XXX" and the deviations from an approved methodology have the following code "M-DEV0XXX".

If you are a DOE, please log in if you wish to submit a new request.

Reference of deviation request I/M-DEV
Type of request
Concerned methodology
Reference of project (for requests at verification)

There are 327 matching requests:

Displaying 161-180 of 327

Reference Request for deviation Current Status Last update
I-DEV0293 Measurement of methane content of biogas and flare efficiency Deviation accepted 13 Apr 10
I-DEV0292 Measurement of methane content of biogas Deviation accepted 13 Apr 10
I-DEV0291 Deviation for the correction of the metered data due to the installation of lower accuracy meter than described one in the monitoring plan in the registered PDD. Deviation accepted 26 Mar 10
I-DEV0290 Deviation from the monitoring plan Deviation accepted 06 Apr 10
I-DEV0289 Request For Deviation for Project N° 0198 Deviation accepted 24 Mar 10
I-DEV0288 The parameter “Diesel consumption” has not been calculated based on daily readings on marked scales installed at the diesel tanks as given in the MP of the registered PDD, but has been calculated on basis of the hourly generated electricity (kWh) Deviation accepted 22 Apr 10
I-DEV0287 Deviation regarding monitoring of gas flow and the calibration of flow meters Deviation accepted 30 Apr 10
I-DEV0286 Deviation to the monitoring plan of the registered PDD project No. 1673 Deviation accepted 16 Mar 10
M-DEV0285 Deviation request to allow the use of the “Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality” to assess the additionality of a project activity, under methodology ACM0006. Deviation accepted 15 Mar 10
M-DEV0284 Application of “Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality” instead of the “Combined tool” for a project activity where one of the alternatives is not an available option to the PPs. Deviation accepted 15 Mar 10
M-DEV0283 Deviation request to allow use of AM0024 for a project activity where waste heat from the clinker production process as well as from another waste heat source is used to generate electricity. Deviation not accepted 17 Aug 10
I-DEV0282 Deviation related to the calibration procedures of the energy meters during the monitoring period (09th September 2007 to 22nd June 2009) Deviation accepted 19 Mar 10
M-DEV0281 Using an alternative approach to determine the baseline emission factor based on the procedures given in the “Tool to determine the baseline efficiency of thermal or electric energy generation systems” Deviation accepted 01 Apr 10
I-DEV0279 Deviation from the revised monitoring plan with regard to the measurement methods in the landfill gas during the period from 01/01/2005 to 31/07/2006 before introducing DCS. Deviation accepted 22 Feb 10
I-DEV0278 Request for deviation from registered Monitoring Plan for indirect measurement of amount of biomass combusted and indirect measurement of net electricity produced on site Deviation not accepted 22 Feb 10
I-DEV0273 Location of the Tflare probe and measure of total amount of landfill gas captured LFGTOTAL,y Deviation accepted 08 Feb 10
I-DEV0272 Deviation with respect to accuracy class of electricity meter Deviation accepted 13 Jan 10
I-DEV0271 Deviation with respect to non-testing of a check meter Deviation accepted 13 Jan 10
I-DEV0270 Monitoring fuel consumption through flow meters under inappropriate accuracy control Deviation accepted 05 Jan 10
I-DEV0269 Statistical approach for emission reduction calculations based on periodical measurement of methane flow and landfill gas composition.