Project 3998 : “Cooperativa Lar Wastewater Treatment and Energy Generation Project”
Project title “Cooperativa Lar Wastewater Treatment and Energy Generation Project”
- project design document (2570 KB)

PDD appendices
Appendix 1 - Enclosure (239 KB)
Appendix 2 - Enclosure 1 (71 KB)
Appendix 3 - Enclosure 2 (73 KB)
Appendix 4 - Enclosure 3 (51 KB)
Appendix 5 - Enclosure 4 (267 KB)

- registration request form (309 KB)
SDC description report Not Available. Please refer to our Further Information on SD-Tool
Host Parties Brazil , involved indirectly approval (106 KB) authorization (106 KB)
Authorized Participants: Cooperativa Agroindustrial Lar ; Zeroemissions do Brasil Ltda.
Other Parties Involved Netherlands , involved indirectly approval (84 KB) authorization (84 KB)
Authorized Participants: Zero Emissions Technologies SA
Sectoral scopes 1 : Energy industries (renewable - / non-renewable sources)
13 : Waste handling and disposal
Activity Scale SMALL
Methodologies Used AMS-III.H. ver. 13 - Methane recovery in wastewater treatment
AMS-I.D. ver. 15 - Grid connected renewable electricity generation
AMS-III.I. ver. 8 - Avoidance of methane production in wastewater treatment through replacement of anaerobic systems by aerobic systems
Standardized baselines used N/A
Amount of Reductions 21,729 metric tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum
Fee level USD 2845.8
Validation Report Validation report (1203 KB) Public availability information
Link to information uploaded for public availability
Modalities of Communication
Registration Date Rejected   (view history)  
Crediting Period 01 Nov 10 - 31 Oct 20 (Fixed)