Project: 2248 Dead Sea Magnesium (DSM) Fuel-Switch Project - History
Project 2248: Dead Sea Magnesium (DSM) Fuel-Switch Project
Request for review Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

EB meeting: EB46
(at which the Board considers the request(s) for review, decides whether to undertake the review and, if so, determine its scope and selects a review team)

Initial comments:
Final SGS Response (153 KB)
Annex 1-Delek Group 2007 Financial Report (329 KB)
Annex 2-Energy Forecast (22 KB)
Annex 3-National Infrastructure 2008 Budget (421 KB)
Annex 4-BG Gas Reserves (78 KB)
Annex 5 - Knesset discussion (1954 KB)
Annex 6 - BG Gas reserves (64 KB)
annex 7 - Russian Gas Crisis (62 KB)
Annex 8 - Egypt oppositiion to NG agreement with Israel (42 KB)
Annex 9 - RFI for NG (17 KB)
Annex 10 - The Marker - Pipeline Capacity (651 KB)
Annex 11 - Natural Gas Sector Law (22 KB)
Annex 12 - Government resolution No. 2920 (21 KB)
Annex 13 - Requirement for foreign subcontractor (1233 KB)
Annex 14 - Letter from Natural Gas Authority (160 KB)
Annex 15 - Letter from Manufacturers Authority (24 KB)
Annex 16 - ICL Tender for Fuel Switching (15 KB)
Annex 17 - No Change in Efficiency (342 KB)
Review Scope (98 KB)

EB meeting: EB47
(at which the report of the review team was/will be considered)