Project: 2933 Hunan Tongdao Yaolaitan 5.55MW Hydro Power Project - History
Project 2933: Hunan Tongdao Yaolaitan 5.55MW Hydro Power Project
Request for review Request 1
Request 2
Request 3

EB meeting: EB52
(at which the Board considers the request(s) for review, decides whether to undertake the review and, if so, determine its scope and selects a review team)

Initial comments:
Yaolaitan RfReview Response (139 KB)
Yaolaitan Audit statement on investment by Supervision Company (48 KB)
Yaolaitan Notification on formal tariff for Yaolaitan project (571 KB)
Yaolaitan Notification on interim tariff for Yaolaitan Project (764 KB)
Yaolaitan Notification on tariff of newly operated small hydropower projects in Tongdao County (1028 KB)
Yaolaitan Survey on tariff for hydropower projects on county level of Hunan Province (1258 KB)
Yaolaitan Tariff approval of hydropower projects in Tongdao County by Huaihua Price Bureau (1186 KB)
Review Scope (135 KB)

EB meeting: EB53
(at which the report of the review team was/will be considered)