PoA monitoring report

Monitoring report data

Programme of Activities 00008142: MicroEnergy Credits – Microfinance for Clean Energy Product Lines - Mongolia
PoA period 12 Nov 2012 - 11 Nov 2019
Coordinating/Managing Entity MicroEnergy Credits
Host Party(ies) Mongolia
Sectoral scopes 3 : Energy demand
Methodology Used AMS-II.E. ver. 10 - Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings
Standardized baselines used N/A
Monitoring period start (YYYY/MM/DD) 2016/05/01
Monitoring period end (YYYY/MM/DD) 2017/04/30
Version of the PoA DD applicable to this monitoring report
Version of the monitoring report
Monitoring report 8142_MP3-MR2.pdf (540 KB)
Monitoring report number 8142-MP3-MRP2
Please tick the checkbox if this monitoring report relates to a straddling monitoring period, i.e. one that begins in 2020 and ends in 2021. In such case, the monitoring results from 1 Jan 2021 will be processed as per the EB 108 temporary measures.

Please proceed to split the straddling monitoring period into two parts, whereby one is ending on 31 Dec 2020 and a second – beginning on 1 Jan 2021. Please upload the same monitoring report version to each of the two parts of the straddling monitoring period.

At issuance, the system will require you to upload two separate issuance requests for each of the two parts of the straddling monitoring period. You will have to upload the same version of certification/verification report to each of the "related" issuance requests.
No The DOE confirms that the first part of the straddling monitoring period ends on 31 Dec 2020 and that the second part - begins on 1 January 2021. The DOE shall create the first and the second part of the straddling monitoring period and upload the same monitoring report to each part back-to-back (so that both submissions are received by the secretariat at the same time).