Info Report Check
Submission incomplete:
1: Scope: The verification report does not provide a description of the actual operation of the project activity (VVS v2, para 228 (b))
Issue: The monitoring report and the verification report have not provided information regarding: (i) the non-operation of Kapita Auto Bricks in May 2012; and (ii) the difference between the number of operational days of Banalata Refractory Ltd in the spreadsheet (30 and 31 days in Jun and Jul 2012 respectively), and in the Appendix 1 of the MR (i.e. the facility not being operational after 20/06/2012).

2: Scope: The verification report does not state that the monitoring plan is in accordance with the applied methodology. (VVS v.2 para 232)
Issue: The DOE is requested to explain how the monitoring of Quantity of diesel combusted with measuring jars complies with the Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion page 3.

3: Scope: The verification report does not state that the monitoring has been carried out in accordance with registered or the accepted revised monitoring plan. (VVS v2 para 235)
Issue: The DOE is required to further substantiate the compliance of monitoring with the monitoring plan as: (a) there was no calibration carried out for weighing scale, whereas the PDD requires the calibration on annual basis; (b) it is not clear f the sampling for parameter Daily Mean Weight of HHK Bricks for each kiln is carried out for each day of operation day, and whether the actual precision of each day's sampling has met the required precision; (c) the monitoring plan requires audit carried out on annual basis by IIDFC for each kiln, yet the audit was not carried out for Diamond Auto Bricks and SSL Ceramic Bricks (Kiln-1).

4: Scope: The verification report does not provide a conclusion on the verified amount of emission reductions achieved and/or determine that calculations of baseline emissions, project emissions and leakage as appropriate have been carried out in accordance with the formulae and methods described in the monitoring plan and the applied methodology document. (VVS v2, para 246 (c), 284 (i))
Issue: The DOE is requested to further explain how it confirms the accuracy of the emission reductions, considering the parameter TPbricks,i.y is calculated as the sum of monthly average of Daily Mean Weight multiplied by monthly production of bricks, whereas the the PDD requires the parameter to be calculated as sum of Daily production of bricks multiplied by Daily Mean Weight of HHK Bricks throughout the number of production days.

5: Scope: The verification report does not determine if the assumptions used in emission calculations have been justified and/or emission factors, default values and other reference values have been correctly applied. (VVS v2, para 246 (d))
Issue: The DOE is requested to justify the use IPCC default value of NCVdiesel,y, considering the PDD page 36 states that the default data from IPCC is used only in the absence of values provided by the fuel supplier in invoices, measurements by the project participants and regional or national default values.