Countries Afforestation/Reforestation informations

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For afforestation and reforestation project activities -
Host Party's selected single minimum:

Host Party's minimum selected values for A/R project activities include:
Tree crown cover value
between 10 and 30 per cent
Land area value
between 0,05 and 1 hectare
Tree height value
between 2 and 5 metres
Palm trees Bamboos
Albania 30 0.1 3
Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina 22.5 1 3
Azerbaijan 20 0.5 2.5
Belize 30 0.3 5
Bolivia 30 0.5 4
Brazil 30 1 5
Burkina Faso 10 0,05 2
Cambodia 10 0.5 5 no yes
Chile 25 0.5 5
China 20 0.067 2
Colombia 30 1 5
Costa Rica 30 1 5
Côte d`Ivoire 30 0,1 5 no no
Democratic Republic of the Congo 30 0,5 3
Dominican Republic 20 0.0629 5
Ecuador 30 1 5
El Salvador 30 0.5 5
Ethiopia 20 0.05 2
Ghana 15 0.1 5.0
Guatemala 30 0.5 5
Honduras 30 1 5
India 15 0.05 2
Indonesia 30 0,25 5
Kenya 30 0.1 2
Kyrgyzstan 20 0,5 3
Lao People's Democratic Republic 20 0,5 5 no no
Madagascar 30 1 5
Malaysia 30 0.5 5
Mali 30 1 2
Mexico 30 1 4
Mongolia 10 1 2
Morocco 25 1 2
Mozambique 30 1 5
Myanmar 10 0.1 2
Nicaragua 20 1 4
Niger 30 1 4
Pakistan 30 0.05 3
Panama 30 1 5
Paraguay 25 0.5 5
Peru 30 0.5 5
Philippines 10 0.5 5 yes yes
Republic of Korea 10 0,5 5
Republic of Moldova 30 0.25 5
Rwanda 10 0.05 3
Senegal 30 0.5 2
South Africa 30 0.05 2
Sri Lanka 20 0.05 3
Thailand 30 0,16 3
Togo 10 0,5 5 yes yes
Trinidad and Tobago 10 0.4 3.0
Uganda 30 1.0 5
United Republic of Tanzania 10 0.05 2
Uruguay 30 0,25 3
Viet Nam 30 0.5 3
Yemen 30 0.5 3