Default values of fraction of non-renewable biomass

Default values of fraction of non-renewable biomass

The CDM Executive Board, at its sixty-seventh meeting, considered an information note that included default values of fraction of non-renewable biomass (fNRB) for fifty eight least developed countries (LDC) and small island developing states (SIDs), as contained in annex 22 to its meeting report. The Board agreed to approve:

• The approach to calculate the fNRB values for LDCs, SIDS and Parties with 10 or less registered CDM project activities as of 31 December 2010; and
• The values as indicated in the information note.

The Board also noted that when acceptance is received from designated national authorities (DNAs), the default values can be applied in small-scale CDM project activities and program of activities in the respective host countries. To facilitate the process, the Board requested the secretariat to continue to consult with DNAs and maintain on the UNFCCC CDM website a list of countries whose DNAs have indicated their acceptance of the proposed fNRB values.

Please be informed that the DNAs who have indicated their acceptance of the default values of fNRB are listed at the following link: <>