Highlights CDM Executive Board, 57th meeting

Highlights CDM Executive Board, 57th meeting

Bonn, 14 October 2010 – At its fifty-seventh meeting the CDM Executive Board agreed on a procedure for appeals against its rulings relating to requests for project registration and issuance of certified emission reductions.
The procedure was adopted in response to a request from Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, at their annual session in December 2009 in Copenhagen, aimed at enhancing the due process provisions of the CDM. The appeals procedure will be presented to Parties for adoption in Cancun, Mexico, in November-December 2010.
The Board also continued its consideration of a procedure to address significant deficiencies and excess issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs). The matter relates to the obligation, laid out in the modalities and procedures of the CDM, that designated operational entities, the third-party certifiers of the CDM, make good on over-issuances of CERs. In trying to elaborate this requirement, and after weighing inputs from the public on a draft procedure tabled last month, the Board concluded that further action, in the form of changes to the modalities and procedures, might be required of Parties.
At the meeting, an important focus of which was finalization of the Board’s annual report to Parties, the Board also agreed on a recommendation to Parties regarding terms of reference (TOR) for membership of the Board that clarify the set of skills and expertise, as well as the expected time commitment, required of members and alternate members. The TOR, requested by Parties in Copenhagen, will be tabled for consideration by Parties in Cancun.

The Executive Board welcomed new member Mr. Tajar Hadj-Sadok, who assumes the vacant seat of the African Group, replacing Mr. Kamel Djemouai who resigned from the Board.

For a full report of the meeting please see <http://cdm.unfccc.int/EB/index.html>.