Call for Experts on CCS / ACM0005 on hold

Call for Experts on CCS / ACM0005 on hold

Call for Experts on CCS

The CDM Executive Board, at its forty-sixth meeting, agreed to launch a call for experts with suitable experience in CCS in geological formations, with in particular technical, methodological and legal experience for assessing the implications of the possible inclusion of CCS in geological formations as CDM project activities as requested by Decision 2/CMP.4 paragraph 41.

The call starts on 27 March 2009 and ends on 4 May 2009.

Applicants will be considered by the Board at its forty-seventh meeting.

Approved Consolidated Methodology ACM0005 on hold

The Board agreed to put on hold the approved consolidated methodology ACM0005 due to difficulties encountered in demonstrating barriers to the implementation of project activities applying this methodology.

The Board requested the Meth Panel to prepare a revised version of ACM0005 addressing the issue of barrier analysis for consideration of the Board at its fiftieth meeting.

On the status of an approved methodology when “on hold”, please refer to the "Procedures for the revision of an approved baseline or monitoring methodology by the Executive Board"
