DOEs seek public input for validation of 30 proposed CDM project activites

DOEs seek public input for validation of 30 proposed CDM project activites

Dear subscriber to the UNFCCC CDM NEWS facility:

Please note that the following proposed CDM project activities are, or will shortly be, in stage where DOEs are seeking comments on whether those activities meet the CDM validation requirements.

For more detail (PDD, Methodology used, deadline for submission) and direct access to the respective DOE comment interfaces, please refer to the UNFCCC CDM web site at:

Best regards, CDM team

Project Title / Methodology used( AM - Large scale, ACM - Consolidated Methodologies, AMS - Small scale)

# Zhangbei Manjing Windfarm Project, AM0005
# Pesqueiro Energia Small Hydroelectric Project (hereafter referred to as PESHP)[AMS-I.D. ]
# Termoelétrica Santa Adélia Cogeneration Project (“TSACP”)[AM0015]
# Project Anaconda[ACM0001]
# Zillo Lorenzetti Bagasse Cogeneration Project (ZLBCP)[AM0015]
# Central Energética do Rio Pardo cogeneration project (“CERPA”).[AM0015]
# Passo do Meio, Salto Natal, Pedrinho I, Granada, Ponte and Salto Corgão Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (the Brascan Project Activity)[ACM0002]
# Nova Sinceridade, Palestina, Cachoeira Encoberta and Triunfo Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (the CatLeo Project Activity)[ACM0002]
# Bioenergia Cogeradora S.A (“Bioenergia”)[AM0015]
# Precious Woods Energia Itacoatiara Project[AMS-I.D. AMS-III.D.]
# BT Geradora de Energia Elétrica (BGEE)[AMS-I.D.]
# ARAPUtanga Centrais ELétricas S. A. - ARAPUCEL - Small Hydroelectric Power Plants Project[ACM0002]
# Mondi Richards Bay Biomass Project[AMS-I.C. AMS-III.E.]
# 3.5 MW Rice Husk based Cogeneration Project at Nahar Spinning Mills Ltd.[AMS-I.C.]
# 3.5 MW Rice Husk based Cogeneration Project at Oswal Woolen Mills Ltd.[AMS-I.C.]
# USINAVERDE: Incineration of urban solid wastes,[AMS-III.E.]
# Santa Rosa Hydropower Plant Project[AM0005]
# LA GLORIA Hydroelectric Project[AMS-I.D.]
# CUYAMEL Hydroelectric Project[AMS-I.D.]
# Piratini Koblitz Energia S.A.[AMS-I.D. AMS-III.E.]
# Vaturu and Wainikasou Hydro Projects[AMS-I.D.]
# Wigton Wind Farm project (WWF)[ACM0002]
# 24 MW installed capacity biomass based renewable electricity generation and consumption by Gujarat Ambuja Cements Limited at its facility in Rupnagar district (Ropar), Punjab, India[AM0004]
# Bundled Wind power project in Jaisalmer (Rajasthan in India) managed by Enercon (India )Ltd.[ACM0002]
# Bundled wind power project in Chitradurga (Karnataka in India) managed by Enercon (India )Ltd.[ACM0002]
# DSL Biomass based Power Project at Pagara[AMS-I.A.]
# 20 MW Kabini Hydro Electric Power Project, SKPCL, India[ACM0002]
# Rice Husk Based Power Project, India[AMS-I.D.]
# Project for the refurbishment and upgrading of Dolega mini-hydropower plant, Panama.[AMS-I.D.]
# Project for the refurbishment and upgrading of Macho de Monte mini-hydropower plant, Panama[AMS-I.D.]