Public inputs received on AM0001

Public inputs received on AM0001

Please be informed that the comments received on the public call on AM0001 are now available in the UNFCCC CDM web site at

The Executive Board, at its fifteenth meeting, taking into consideration information that emerged since the approval of AM0001, agreed to request its Methodologies Panel to review the methodology AM0001 “Incineration of HFC 23 waste streams” and make a recommendation on the possible revision in order to address, inter alia, the potential leakage, for consideration of the Board.

The Board further agreed that such revision shall be completed no later than four months and that this methodology should be put on hold in the meantime.

In order to ensure transparency of the process, the Board opened a call for public input in relation to this methodology on the UNFCCC CDM web site from 22 September to 7 October 2004.

For more information please visit the UNFCCC CDM web site (